To: All Members of the Methodist Church in Malaysia
A Pastoral Letter Concerning Government Grants to Methodist Churches on the Eve of the Sibu By-Election, 16 May 2010
Warmest greetings in the Name of our Lord Jesus Christ!
Many of our church members are aware of the reports in the media that the government made grants to four Methodist churches in Sibu, on the eve of the recent Parliamentary by-election. The Council of Presidents discussed this matter at its meeting of 25th May 2010. Pending fuller deliberations on the matter by the General Conference Executive Council at its up-coming meeting, we wish to issue a pastoral letter stating the following:
1. First, the giving of grants to religious bodies for the advancement of religion, as well as to other bodies like schools, etc., is a government responsibility. To receive such is a citizen’s right. After all, the money given is actually taxpayers’ money. Indeed the problem in our country is that most of the money for religious bodies is usually given to one particular religious community, with relatively much smaller proportions given to other communities. In so far as the money was given to the churches this time round, it can be said that the government is trying to right a past wrong. Moreover, it should be pointed out that this is not the first time the government has given such grants. Further, our churches are not the only recipients. Other religious groups also received similar grants.
2. However, as the public at large has pointed out, the problem with the grants made in this instance is that of timing! They were given on the eve of a closely fought by-election and therefore perceived to be manipulative and highly questionable. Some people have therefore urged the churches involved to return the money.
3. The Christian church is concerned about morality and politics. Nonetheless, it cannot take sides in party politics for various reasons, including the fact that there are Christians on both sides of the political divide. Furthermore, the church must also guard against being perceived as being used as a tool by political parties, whether those in government or those in opposition. In light of the above, rejecting the grants given by the government in this instance is not necessarily the solution, because it could be misinterpreted as a rejection of the government in favour of the opposition. Clearly we are caught in a delicate dilemma, which has been forced upon us.
4. The Methodist Church in
5. Meanwhile, we would like to urge all our pastors and members to refrain from making any comments on the matter so that it does not get blown out of proportion. Instead, let us take seriously the words of our Lord Jesus in Mat 5: 16, which is particularly significant in our present context. ‘In the same way, let your light shine before all men, so that they may see your good works and give glory to your Father who is in heaven.’ When we truly live in this manner, we will go a long way to fulfil our Quadrennium theme, ‘Spreading Scriptural Holiness, Transforming the Nation.’
May the peace of the Lord be with all of you!
Yours sincerely in Christ,
Bishop Hwa Yung
Chairman, The Council of Presidents,
The Methodist Church in Malaysia
69 Jalan 5/31
46000 Petaling Jaya, Malaysia
Off Email:
Off Tel: +60-3-79541811
1. 首先,為發展宗教而撥款給宗教團體,跟撥 款給其他好像學校等團體一樣,都是政府應盡的責任。接收這樣的撥款也是公民的權利。總言之,政府所撥出的錢實際上就是納稅人的錢。我們國內的問題的確是, 撥給宗教團體的錢大多數都給了某一種宗教群體,給其他的就相對很少。就這一次撥給幾間堂會的錢來看,政府可以說是在嘗試更正過去的錯失。此外必須指出的 是,政府並不是第一次撥出此類款項,而得著撥款的也不只是我們的教會,還有其他宗教團體也得著類似撥款。
2. 不過,有如公眾所指出的,這次撥款的問題是出於時間的選擇。這些錢是在一場勢均力敵的補選前夕撥出,因此給人一種操縱性和令人質疑的印象。也有人因此呼籲堂會把收到的錢歸還政府。
3. 基督教會關心的是道德與政治。雖然如此, 教會並不能在政黨政治上偏幫一方,理由有很多,包括教會在政治分界的兩方都有基督徒。此外,教會也要提防給人一種印象,以為是給在朝或在野的政黨利用了。 基於這個理由,此時拒絕接受政府撥款不一定是一個解決方案,因為人家會誤釋為拒絕政府偏袒反對陣線。很清楚的,我們陷在了加在我們身上微妙的兩難之中。
4. 馬來西亞衛理公會尊重這四間堂會領袖的權利,按各自情況決定如何使用所撥之款。同時,包括會督及全體會長在內的總議會理事會,將會與該堂會共同尋求明智的處理方案。
5. 我們要在此向本會所有牧師和會友們呼籲,勿評論此事,以免把事情鬧得過大。反之,讓我們留心我們的主耶穌在馬太福音5章16節所說的話,特別是在我們目前的狀況中顯為重要的“你們的光也當這樣照在人前,叫他們看見你們的好行為,便將榮耀歸給你們在天上的父”。當我們真正的如此生活時,我們就可以深遠的滿足了我們的四年主題,“宣揚聖經聖潔,更新轉化國家”了。
華勇會督 敬啟