Muslim remember the "Father of Faith" of Christian, Abraham (Muslim called Ibrahim) that offering his Son Isaac (Muslim called Ismail) to God as a living sacrify. Ahsingo
The Star Online > Central
Thursday December 28, 2006
The meaning of Hari Raya Aidiladha
Aidiladha is also commonly known as Hari Raya Korban or Hari Raya Haji in Malaysia.
Celebrated about two months after Hari Raya Aidilfitri, on the 10th day of Zulhijjah, the 12th (last) month of the Muslim calendar, it marks the end of the haj pilgrimage period (about two weeks).
Every year, millions of Muslims make the journey to Mecca in Saudi Arabia to perform the haj, one of the five basic tenets of Islam.
Aidiladha also commemorates the sacrifices made by the Prophet Ibrahim (hence the word 'korban,' which means sacrifice in Arabic), who demonstrated immense faith when he was put to the test by God.
Prophet Ibrahim was commanded to offer his son Ismail up for sacrifice, and though it grieved him greatly, he made ready to perform the task. However, as he was about to strike his son, God stopped him and revealed that it was a trial. Ismail's life was spared, and a ram was sacrificed in his place.
As such, during Aidiladha, the sacrifice of four-legged animals such as lambs, goats, cows, bulls and camels is performed.
The slaughter of the animal is done after the congregational prayer in the morning of Aidiladha.
The animals are killed in accordance with the proper religious rites and the meat is then distributed.
One third of the meat is given to the individual who made the sacrifice, while the rest is given to the poor and deserving people in the community.
Making the sacrifice (korban) is not a compulsory religious duty, but an obligations for those who are able to afford it.
The rest of the day is celebrated by visiting relatives and friends.
Thursday, December 28, 2006
Tuesday, December 26, 2006
Christmas Evangelical Night
A few dozens of audience come forward to receive JESUS CHRIST as their saviour and others come forward to reaffirm and recommit their lives to Jesus Christ. May God through our Church continue to nurture them to become a mature Christian.
Christmas Kids Church
Newly Baptised and Newly Joined Member
Friday, December 22, 2006
Weekly Bulleting 17122006
Sorry to informed that my broadband connection has some problems and now fixed.
营会,聚会Camp/SpecialEvents29/12(五)汉林21周年感恩演唱会:PGRM8pm。入场卷:VIP100,50,35,15.有意者,请向招待处登记。赞助500,可获10张VIP票。2.11-14/1/07(四-日)假古晋蒙福教会举行为国家复兴祷告会:有负担者请向牧师报名,机票自付,住吃免费。3.21-23/1/07(日-二)爱修园大马教牧同工退修会:马六甲。4.26-27/1/07(五-六)爱修园特会:“安静、等候、灵命复兴”特会GA611。周金海牧师。晚堂是公开聚会。上课修学分RM45,旁听M30,19/1之后一律RM55,请尽早报名。(报名时请交费!)5.15-17/3/07(四-六)约书亚敬拜赞美:国度青少年复兴特会:尊孔独中,费用:28/12前130(学)160(工),29/12之后160(学)190(工),请尽快报名,敬拜团团员一律只须RM100 (需在28/12前报名)
其他预告1.21-25/6/07(四至一)5th世界华人教会宣教大会假诗巫常青大酒店举行,报名费US30,欢迎领袖们预备心参加。2.21-23/8/07爱修园大圣会,24-28/8爱修园密集课程:马六甲 3. 31/8-2/9全马卫理教会千人祷告大会:在基督里合一祷告:Sunway CC 大礼堂。报名费RM30
~教会统计Statistic~上主日人数(早堂):140人(116人)人数(崇拜):78人(77人)儿童主日学人数 : 人 (27人)奉献(早堂):RM930.92 (RM596.01) (崇拜):RM470.00 (RM546.00)儿童主日学:RM57.00 (RM62.70)
新聚会所认献/奉献运动至2/2007急需25万的付款及装修等。请祷告中迫切纪念!至10/12共收RM 127,551.65
营会,聚会Camp/SpecialEvents29/12(五)汉林21周年感恩演唱会:PGRM8pm。入场卷:VIP100,50,35,15.有意者,请向招待处登记。赞助500,可获10张VIP票。2.11-14/1/07(四-日)假古晋蒙福教会举行为国家复兴祷告会:有负担者请向牧师报名,机票自付,住吃免费。3.21-23/1/07(日-二)爱修园大马教牧同工退修会:马六甲。4.26-27/1/07(五-六)爱修园特会:“安静、等候、灵命复兴”特会GA611。周金海牧师。晚堂是公开聚会。上课修学分RM45,旁听M30,19/1之后一律RM55,请尽早报名。(报名时请交费!)5.15-17/3/07(四-六)约书亚敬拜赞美:国度青少年复兴特会:尊孔独中,费用:28/12前130(学)160(工),29/12之后160(学)190(工),请尽快报名,敬拜团团员一律只须RM100 (需在28/12前报名)
其他预告1.21-25/6/07(四至一)5th世界华人教会宣教大会假诗巫常青大酒店举行,报名费US30,欢迎领袖们预备心参加。2.21-23/8/07爱修园大圣会,24-28/8爱修园密集课程:马六甲 3. 31/8-2/9全马卫理教会千人祷告大会:在基督里合一祷告:Sunway CC 大礼堂。报名费RM30
~教会统计Statistic~上主日人数(早堂):140人(116人)人数(崇拜):78人(77人)儿童主日学人数 : 人 (27人)奉献(早堂):RM930.92 (RM596.01) (崇拜):RM470.00 (RM546.00)儿童主日学:RM57.00 (RM62.70)
新聚会所认献/奉献运动至2/2007急需25万的付款及装修等。请祷告中迫切纪念!至10/12共收RM 127,551.65
Thursday, December 14, 2006
Wednesday, December 13, 2006
Tuesday, December 12, 2006
Monday, December 11, 2006
Sunday, December 10, 2006
Weekly Bulletin 10122006
主日欢庆崇拜 敬拜是亲近神,是领受神,是事奉神的生命事。神要我们不可停止敬拜他!让我们以心灵和诚实来敬拜我们的神!本周是待降节第二主日。让我们预备心迎接纪念基督降生的圣诞节。欢迎索取DOB圣诞特辑作为预备心读物。
圣诞庆典 17-23/12圣诞传爱行动:请组长预算份量。 23/12(六)儿童圣诞欢庆会:住家 24/12(日)8:00am/10:30am圣诞主日感恩崇拜。6:30pm圣诞歌舞剧(布道)晚会:GS Hotel. (票卷开始出售:工作者RM40,学生/小孩RM25,邀请属灵认领对象一律RM10而已!召募招待员与陪谈员数十人,请向统全弟兄登记。 25/12(一)圣诞节福音聚会:各小组
礼品/礼物摆买 为了方便弟兄姐妹为未信的朋友在圣诞晚会预备交换礼物,本主日会后有礼品礼物的摆买,欢迎大家选购。
执事聚餐 本主日执事聚餐改在牧师家,请执事们准时出席。(由于晚上有课程,请执事们务必,按时、准时出席!)
基督徒生命五大蒙恩目的(四) 我们被造,被召是为要事奉(Service)他。这是基 督的爱神爱人的命令。沐恩之子:要以神所赐的 恩赐来事奉神,服侍人,以此彰显神的爱。
速读圣经 一年容易又要过去了!教会速读圣经运动又到了“论功奖赏”的时候了。请参于者(一年读完一遍)于17/12之前交上读经表,以备奖励。参于二年读完的,继续努力。还没参于的,快快开始!
新杂志/通讯 最新的杂志,机构及宣教的通讯等已安放在二楼的杂志处,欢迎大家参阅。请不要将之带回,并请读完放回原位!谢谢合作。
召募敬拜团事奉人员 凡在本堂聚会超过一年者,欢迎加入敬拜团事奉:乐手,助唱,铃鼓手,电脑操作,音控。(有志者需经过面谈,培训后方才投入服侍)
各部门会议 各部门需于12-22/12召开2007年事工计划的商讨会,并于30/12前呈上报告书,谢谢合作配搭。
复兴祷告会 「琴与炉」的赞美祷告是我们操练的方式,其中有许多的得着,经历,更新及奋兴。大力鼓励弟兄姐妹尤其是成为领袖的,踊跃出席,共同经历,体验并领受!【举起祷告的手,为主成就大事!!】
~主日事奉人员W. Duty Roster ~司值早场/下主日 讲员刘长武牧师 主席/领会 刘牧师/詹友积 领诗赵云凤/吴丽玲 敬拜团C组 铃鼓C组 招待员W08 &A/W07&A 执事接待卢裕胜执事
~营会,聚会 Camp/Special Events ~1. 11-15/12(一至五)品格塑造福音营,最大的是爱Nilai Inti C,R M210(30/9前) RM240(30/9后),欢迎13岁以上的青少年人参加!
2007年预告 1. 10-14/1/07假古晋蒙福教会举行为国家复兴祷告会:有负担者请向牧师报名,机票自付,住吃免费。2. 21-23/1/07(日-二)爱修园大马教牧同工退修会:马六甲。3.26-27/1/07(五-六)爱修园特会休息、等候、生命的复兴。GA 611。4. 21-25/6/07(四至一)5th世界华人教会宣教大会假诗巫常 青大酒店举行,报名费US 30,欢迎领袖们预备心参加。4. 21-23/8/07爱修园大圣会,24-28/8爱修园密集课程:马六甲 5. 31/8-2/9全马卫理教会千人祷告大会:在基督里合一祷告:Sunway CC 大礼堂。报名费RM30
清泉事工课程 清泉事工第三班将在2007年正月21日(第四主日)正式上课。31/12(日)1pm讲解会。凡有意接受这课程的祝福者,还有敬拜团团员及长执们,请与31/12之前报名,以预备课本及上课资料。(需二至三周时间)
特别通告 为了教会明年搬迁及福音行动年,并且众多的营会及经历神聚会,特通知弟兄姐妹多多保留假期以参于其中。特别是新年假期,请尽量缩短,同时也可避免灵里荒废,懒散及浪费时光于吃喝玩乐!【祝福在其中,抓紧机会,以免向隅】
~教会统计Statistic~ 上主日人数(早堂):116人(140人) 人数(崇拜): 77人 (69人) 儿童主日学人数 : 27人 (25人)【2006年目标:300人】
奉献(早堂):RM596.01 (RM976.90) (崇拜):RM546.00 (RM380.00) 儿童主日学:RM62.70 (RM44.50)【2006年目标:RM1000/周】
新聚会所认献/奉献运动Ne20000w Ch. Building【 进驻耶利歌计划 】我们已于5/11正式推启一百万元进驻耶利歌计划的认献/奉献运动。共有201位弟兄姐妹已同心回应。认献数目共RM2,659,618.00。未作出认献回应的弟兄姐妹请尽快交上认献表格,让我们在这事工上显出同心合意。并向神祈求应许,能完成信心认献。目标:RM1,000,000.00
牧师屋 至11月份,共有57位弟兄姐妹为牧师屋奉献了RM54,798.98。谢谢大家的献上,愿主赐福!基本装修估计费用约5万元,欢迎还未参于牧师屋奉献的弟兄姐妹莫失为神的家的产业献上一份力量的机会。我们将例出一份清单,让弟兄姐妹或小组或家庭参于这奉献
圣诞庆典 17-23/12圣诞传爱行动:请组长预算份量。 23/12(六)儿童圣诞欢庆会:住家 24/12(日)8:00am/10:30am圣诞主日感恩崇拜。6:30pm圣诞歌舞剧(布道)晚会:GS Hotel. (票卷开始出售:工作者RM40,学生/小孩RM25,邀请属灵认领对象一律RM10而已!召募招待员与陪谈员数十人,请向统全弟兄登记。 25/12(一)圣诞节福音聚会:各小组
礼品/礼物摆买 为了方便弟兄姐妹为未信的朋友在圣诞晚会预备交换礼物,本主日会后有礼品礼物的摆买,欢迎大家选购。
执事聚餐 本主日执事聚餐改在牧师家,请执事们准时出席。(由于晚上有课程,请执事们务必,按时、准时出席!)
基督徒生命五大蒙恩目的(四) 我们被造,被召是为要事奉(Service)他。这是基 督的爱神爱人的命令。沐恩之子:要以神所赐的 恩赐来事奉神,服侍人,以此彰显神的爱。
速读圣经 一年容易又要过去了!教会速读圣经运动又到了“论功奖赏”的时候了。请参于者(一年读完一遍)于17/12之前交上读经表,以备奖励。参于二年读完的,继续努力。还没参于的,快快开始!
新杂志/通讯 最新的杂志,机构及宣教的通讯等已安放在二楼的杂志处,欢迎大家参阅。请不要将之带回,并请读完放回原位!谢谢合作。
召募敬拜团事奉人员 凡在本堂聚会超过一年者,欢迎加入敬拜团事奉:乐手,助唱,铃鼓手,电脑操作,音控。(有志者需经过面谈,培训后方才投入服侍)
各部门会议 各部门需于12-22/12召开2007年事工计划的商讨会,并于30/12前呈上报告书,谢谢合作配搭。
复兴祷告会 「琴与炉」的赞美祷告是我们操练的方式,其中有许多的得着,经历,更新及奋兴。大力鼓励弟兄姐妹尤其是成为领袖的,踊跃出席,共同经历,体验并领受!【举起祷告的手,为主成就大事!!】
~主日事奉人员W. Duty Roster ~司值早场/下主日 讲员刘长武牧师 主席/领会 刘牧师/詹友积 领诗赵云凤/吴丽玲 敬拜团C组 铃鼓C组 招待员W08 &A/W07&A 执事接待卢裕胜执事
~营会,聚会 Camp/Special Events ~1. 11-15/12(一至五)品格塑造福音营,最大的是爱Nilai Inti C,R M210(30/9前) RM240(30/9后),欢迎13岁以上的青少年人参加!
2007年预告 1. 10-14/1/07假古晋蒙福教会举行为国家复兴祷告会:有负担者请向牧师报名,机票自付,住吃免费。2. 21-23/1/07(日-二)爱修园大马教牧同工退修会:马六甲。3.26-27/1/07(五-六)爱修园特会休息、等候、生命的复兴。GA 611。4. 21-25/6/07(四至一)5th世界华人教会宣教大会假诗巫常 青大酒店举行,报名费US 30,欢迎领袖们预备心参加。4. 21-23/8/07爱修园大圣会,24-28/8爱修园密集课程:马六甲 5. 31/8-2/9全马卫理教会千人祷告大会:在基督里合一祷告:Sunway CC 大礼堂。报名费RM30
清泉事工课程 清泉事工第三班将在2007年正月21日(第四主日)正式上课。31/12(日)1pm讲解会。凡有意接受这课程的祝福者,还有敬拜团团员及长执们,请与31/12之前报名,以预备课本及上课资料。(需二至三周时间)
特别通告 为了教会明年搬迁及福音行动年,并且众多的营会及经历神聚会,特通知弟兄姐妹多多保留假期以参于其中。特别是新年假期,请尽量缩短,同时也可避免灵里荒废,懒散及浪费时光于吃喝玩乐!【祝福在其中,抓紧机会,以免向隅】
~教会统计Statistic~ 上主日人数(早堂):116人(140人) 人数(崇拜): 77人 (69人) 儿童主日学人数 : 27人 (25人)【2006年目标:300人】
奉献(早堂):RM596.01 (RM976.90) (崇拜):RM546.00 (RM380.00) 儿童主日学:RM62.70 (RM44.50)【2006年目标:RM1000/周】
新聚会所认献/奉献运动Ne20000w Ch. Building【 进驻耶利歌计划 】我们已于5/11正式推启一百万元进驻耶利歌计划的认献/奉献运动。共有201位弟兄姐妹已同心回应。认献数目共RM2,659,618.00。未作出认献回应的弟兄姐妹请尽快交上认献表格,让我们在这事工上显出同心合意。并向神祈求应许,能完成信心认献。目标:RM1,000,000.00
牧师屋 至11月份,共有57位弟兄姐妹为牧师屋奉献了RM54,798.98。谢谢大家的献上,愿主赐福!基本装修估计费用约5万元,欢迎还未参于牧师屋奉献的弟兄姐妹莫失为神的家的产业献上一份力量的机会。我们将例出一份清单,让弟兄姐妹或小组或家庭参于这奉献
Friday, December 08, 2006

Dear Eddie,Greeting to you from Michigan. Thank you for your email and notification in regards to your blog. We are well in the grace of our Lord and I hope the same with you and the church. It has been a blessed year as we serve alongside our brothers and sisters here in Grand Rapids. The Lord has given us a new born baby (Noah, 5 months old now) and we have moved to a new home since November. New friends have visited and stayed in our church and I give thanks to the Lord that we are having a few elderly brothers/sisters attending our service every Sunday. Lately, the Lord has given us opportunities to minister to some unbelievers who are facing major illnesses. He is good and He can use whatever circumstances to His glory.I trust that the Lord is using you all to advance His good news and to be a beacon of light in the capital city. I pray for you and may the Lord continues to established the works of your hands. Please greet our brothers and sisters. Wishing you all a blessed Christmas.Shalom,Cornelius
Tuesday, December 05, 2006
New Design of 38
Monday, December 04, 2006
Weekly Bulletin 03122006
圣餐欢庆崇拜 「...你们应当如此行,为的是纪念我。」让我们存敬畏的心纪念主圣餐。弟兄姐妹,让我们回应主的爱,进入生命,进入事奉,愿我们兴起为主基督!本周开始进入待降节期,预备我们的心迎接纪念基督降生的圣诞节!
2007宣教款认献2007年宣教款预算案为RM40,000 + RM10,000 上主日宣教主日认献共RM58,450有122位弟兄姐妹参与。尽邀请全体弟兄姐妹参与这为宣教事业带来祝福的工作!
圣诞庆典 17-23/12圣诞传爱行动:请组长预算份量。23/12(六)儿童圣诞欢庆会:住家 24/12(日)8:00am/10:30am圣诞主日感恩崇拜。6:30pm圣诞歌舞剧(布道)晚会:GS Hotel. (票卷开始出售:工作者RM40,学生/小孩RM25,邀请属灵认领对象一律RM10而已!召募招待员与 陪谈员数十人,请向统全弟兄登记。25/12(一)圣诞节福音聚会:各小组礼品/礼物摆买为了方便弟兄姐妹为未信的朋友在圣诞晚会预备交换礼物,本主日会后有礼品礼物的摆买,欢迎大家选购。(下主日将有更多礼品类)
~本 周 聚 会 Weekly Events ~日期时间聚会地点负责人 03/12 (日)10:30am 儿童崇拜 Children Church 二楼 儿童导师 01:00pm MEMC 101 二 楼 刘牧师 08:00pm 爱修园课程:医治与释放(五) 二楼 刘牧师 06/12 (三) 08:30pm清泉事工 CS Course 二楼 刘牧师 07/12 (四) 08:30pm敬拜团 Worship Team 聚会所 丽玲/依凤 08/12 (五) 07:30pm爱修园特会: 先知预言与灵战 GA611 9/12 (六) 各时间 生命小组 各地点 各组长 10/12 (日)10:30pm儿童崇拜 Children Church 二楼 儿童导师
基督徒生命五大蒙恩目的(三) 我们是神拣选的,是他所爱的。他愿意我们成长 的像主耶稣一样,有他的形像,品格,能力,服侍。。。沐恩之子:透过接受各样的培训,使生命更新成长,作主门徒,效法基督!
执事聚餐 本月份执事聚餐联谊于下主日(10/12, 6pm)假郑韵弟兄府上举行,请执事们出席。(由于晚上有课程,请执事们务必,按时、准时出席!)
速读圣经 一年容易又要过去了!教会速读圣经运动又到了“论功奖赏”的时候了。请参于者(一年读完一遍)于17/12之前交上读经表,以备奖励。参于二年读完的,继续努力。还没参于的,快快开始!
祷告事工 凡有需要或紧急代祷的事项,请用代祷单或 SMS给负责人:秀兰姐妹016-3372000或牧师。请弟兄 姐妹不要随意发sms给人,祈求神赐智慧。
复兴祷告会 每周五晚为「复兴祷告会」。让琴(P&W)与炉(代祷)成为教会复兴的事奉起点。每月第一周五将是属灵伙伴代祷会,欢迎大家出席,举起祷告的手,为主成就大事!!
~主日事奉人员W. Duty Roster ~ 司值 早场/主日 下主日 讲员 刘长武牧师 刘长武牧师 主席/领会 刘牧师/魏茂发 刘牧师/卢裕胜 领诗黄忠伟/陈成蕊 赵云凤/吴丽玲 敬拜团B组 C组 铃鼓 B组 C组 招待员 S02&B/S07&B S01&C/S06&C 执事接待 俞凤仙执事 林忠鎏执事 *事奉神当尽心尽力,并以感恩未服事。事奉人员的未出席,应通知各组长以安排人代替。
~营会,聚会 Camp/Special Events ~ 1 .4-8/12(一至五)目标驱动新人王-目标导向游戏营Nilai Inti College.费用: RM240 (1/10之后)。13-30岁的青少年。中文教会史上创举的游戏营会,感受生活现实滋味,发现生命终极目标。 2 . 11-15/12(一至五)品格塑造福音营,最大的是爱Nilai Inti C,R M210(30/9前) RM240(30/9后),欢迎13岁以上的青少年人参加!
2007年预告 10-14/1/07假古晋蒙福教会举行为国家复兴祷告会:有负担者请向牧师报名,机票自付,住吃免费。 21-23/1/07(日-二)爱修园大马教牧同工退修会:马六甲。 21-25/6/07(四至一)5th世界华人教会宣教大会假诗巫常青大酒店举行,报名费US 30,欢迎领袖们预备心参加 。 21-23/8/07爱修园大圣会,24-28/8爱修园密集课程:马六甲 31/8-2/9全马卫理教会千人祷告大会:在基督里合一祷告:Sunway CC 大礼堂。报名费RM30
圣诞布道会属灵认领(四)「为主多得一人」!1. 找一个/几对象,祷告中纪念。若有负担,为他禁食祷告。2.与他/她建立一个亲近的关系:关心,问候,提供协助!并偶而一起用餐交流。3.藉机会送些福音VCD,福音册子给他,并开始讯问邀请他出席参加圣诞歌剧晚会。4.赠送灵命日粮圣诞特刊给他,并邀请他出席圣诞歌剧晚会,告诉他你需要购买入场卷邀请他出席的!
5. 开始与他谈及信仰的问题,分享你的见证及对信仰的认识,认真为他的灵魂得救代祷。
爱修园课程/特会 8/12(7:30pm), 9/12(9am)先知预言与属灵争战特会:吴霆牧师。课程收费RM45,旁听RM25,1/12后报名RM50。现场报名RM60。晚间特会公开入场。欢迎踊跃出席!
清泉事工课程 清泉事工第三班将在2007年正月21日(第四主日)正式上课。31/12(日)1pm讲解会。凡有意接受这课程的祝福者,还有敬拜团团员及长执们,请与31/12之前报名,以预备课本及上课资料。需二至三周时间)
特别通告 为了教会明年搬迁及福音行动年,并且众多的营会及经历神聚会,特通知弟兄姐妹多多保留假期以参于其中。特别是新年假期,请尽量缩短,同时也可避免灵里荒废,懒散及浪费时光于吃喝玩乐!【祝福在其中,抓紧机会,以免向隅】
Selayang堂购堂义卖会17/12/06(日)12pm-5pm假该堂会举行。每本固本RM20。请踊跃支持。No。10,Jalan3/5,Bandar Baru Selayang。
汉林21周年感恩演唱会29/12/06(五)假蕉赖民政大厦音乐厅举行。票卷RM15,RM35,RM50,RM100. 欢迎出席支持。
大马P&W Live 网站 欢迎登上大马基督徒诗歌创作人网章。有14条radio.
~ 沐恩圣经学校 Muk En Bible School ~
日期 时间 课程 地点 导 师
03/12(日) 1:00pm MEMC 101认识教会 二 楼 刘牧师
8:00pm 爱修园课程:医治与释放 (五):5&6 二 楼 刘牧师
06/12(三) 8:30pm 清泉事工课程 :第四课(下) 二 楼 刘牧师
07/12(三) 8:30pm 铃鼓班训练 二 楼 胡美琴
09/12(六) 2:30pm 三福训练:第11课 二 楼 刘牧师
** 17/12(日) 1:00pm 培谈员密集训练(请招待员,培谈员,三福队员要出席!)
~教会统计Statistic~上主日人数(早堂):140 人 (150人)人数(崇拜): 69 人 ( 83人)儿童主日学人数 :25 人( 27人)【2006年目标:300人】奉献(早堂):RM976.90 (RM753.20) (崇拜):RM380.00/RM502.06 儿童主日学:RM44.50/RM53.00 【2006年目标:RM1000/周】
新聚会所认献/奉献运动【 进驻耶利歌计划 】我们将于本主日正式推启一百万元进驻耶利歌计划的认献/奉献运动。随周刊付上奉献进展表供大家参考。让我们同心合意在这目标上向神祈求,并凭信心作出认献,在未来三、四年中为新聚会所作出奉献。目标:RM1,000,000.00 至11月已收到RM96,407.95
牧师屋 至11月份,共有57位弟兄姐妹为牧师屋奉献了RM54,798.98。谢谢大家的献上,愿主赐福!本月内我们将开始进行基本装修,估计费用约5万元,欢迎还未参于牧师屋奉献的弟兄姐妹莫失为神的家的产业献上一份力量的机会。我们将例出一份清单,让弟兄姐妹或小组或家庭参于这奉献!
2007宣教款认献2007年宣教款预算案为RM40,000 + RM10,000 上主日宣教主日认献共RM58,450有122位弟兄姐妹参与。尽邀请全体弟兄姐妹参与这为宣教事业带来祝福的工作!
圣诞庆典 17-23/12圣诞传爱行动:请组长预算份量。23/12(六)儿童圣诞欢庆会:住家 24/12(日)8:00am/10:30am圣诞主日感恩崇拜。6:30pm圣诞歌舞剧(布道)晚会:GS Hotel. (票卷开始出售:工作者RM40,学生/小孩RM25,邀请属灵认领对象一律RM10而已!召募招待员与 陪谈员数十人,请向统全弟兄登记。25/12(一)圣诞节福音聚会:各小组礼品/礼物摆买为了方便弟兄姐妹为未信的朋友在圣诞晚会预备交换礼物,本主日会后有礼品礼物的摆买,欢迎大家选购。(下主日将有更多礼品类)
~本 周 聚 会 Weekly Events ~日期时间聚会地点负责人 03/12 (日)10:30am 儿童崇拜 Children Church 二楼 儿童导师 01:00pm MEMC 101 二 楼 刘牧师 08:00pm 爱修园课程:医治与释放(五) 二楼 刘牧师 06/12 (三) 08:30pm清泉事工 CS Course 二楼 刘牧师 07/12 (四) 08:30pm敬拜团 Worship Team 聚会所 丽玲/依凤 08/12 (五) 07:30pm爱修园特会: 先知预言与灵战 GA611 9/12 (六) 各时间 生命小组 各地点 各组长 10/12 (日)10:30pm儿童崇拜 Children Church 二楼 儿童导师
基督徒生命五大蒙恩目的(三) 我们是神拣选的,是他所爱的。他愿意我们成长 的像主耶稣一样,有他的形像,品格,能力,服侍。。。沐恩之子:透过接受各样的培训,使生命更新成长,作主门徒,效法基督!
执事聚餐 本月份执事聚餐联谊于下主日(10/12, 6pm)假郑韵弟兄府上举行,请执事们出席。(由于晚上有课程,请执事们务必,按时、准时出席!)
速读圣经 一年容易又要过去了!教会速读圣经运动又到了“论功奖赏”的时候了。请参于者(一年读完一遍)于17/12之前交上读经表,以备奖励。参于二年读完的,继续努力。还没参于的,快快开始!
祷告事工 凡有需要或紧急代祷的事项,请用代祷单或 SMS给负责人:秀兰姐妹016-3372000或牧师。请弟兄 姐妹不要随意发sms给人,祈求神赐智慧。
复兴祷告会 每周五晚为「复兴祷告会」。让琴(P&W)与炉(代祷)成为教会复兴的事奉起点。每月第一周五将是属灵伙伴代祷会,欢迎大家出席,举起祷告的手,为主成就大事!!
~主日事奉人员W. Duty Roster ~ 司值 早场/主日 下主日 讲员 刘长武牧师 刘长武牧师 主席/领会 刘牧师/魏茂发 刘牧师/卢裕胜 领诗黄忠伟/陈成蕊 赵云凤/吴丽玲 敬拜团B组 C组 铃鼓 B组 C组 招待员 S02&B/S07&B S01&C/S06&C 执事接待 俞凤仙执事 林忠鎏执事 *事奉神当尽心尽力,并以感恩未服事。事奉人员的未出席,应通知各组长以安排人代替。
~营会,聚会 Camp/Special Events ~ 1 .4-8/12(一至五)目标驱动新人王-目标导向游戏营Nilai Inti College.费用: RM240 (1/10之后)。13-30岁的青少年。中文教会史上创举的游戏营会,感受生活现实滋味,发现生命终极目标。 2 . 11-15/12(一至五)品格塑造福音营,最大的是爱Nilai Inti C,R M210(30/9前) RM240(30/9后),欢迎13岁以上的青少年人参加!
2007年预告 10-14/1/07假古晋蒙福教会举行为国家复兴祷告会:有负担者请向牧师报名,机票自付,住吃免费。 21-23/1/07(日-二)爱修园大马教牧同工退修会:马六甲。 21-25/6/07(四至一)5th世界华人教会宣教大会假诗巫常青大酒店举行,报名费US 30,欢迎领袖们预备心参加 。 21-23/8/07爱修园大圣会,24-28/8爱修园密集课程:马六甲 31/8-2/9全马卫理教会千人祷告大会:在基督里合一祷告:Sunway CC 大礼堂。报名费RM30
圣诞布道会属灵认领(四)「为主多得一人」!1. 找一个/几对象,祷告中纪念。若有负担,为他禁食祷告。2.与他/她建立一个亲近的关系:关心,问候,提供协助!并偶而一起用餐交流。3.藉机会送些福音VCD,福音册子给他,并开始讯问邀请他出席参加圣诞歌剧晚会。4.赠送灵命日粮圣诞特刊给他,并邀请他出席圣诞歌剧晚会,告诉他你需要购买入场卷邀请他出席的!
5. 开始与他谈及信仰的问题,分享你的见证及对信仰的认识,认真为他的灵魂得救代祷。
爱修园课程/特会 8/12(7:30pm), 9/12(9am)先知预言与属灵争战特会:吴霆牧师。课程收费RM45,旁听RM25,1/12后报名RM50。现场报名RM60。晚间特会公开入场。欢迎踊跃出席!
清泉事工课程 清泉事工第三班将在2007年正月21日(第四主日)正式上课。31/12(日)1pm讲解会。凡有意接受这课程的祝福者,还有敬拜团团员及长执们,请与31/12之前报名,以预备课本及上课资料。需二至三周时间)
特别通告 为了教会明年搬迁及福音行动年,并且众多的营会及经历神聚会,特通知弟兄姐妹多多保留假期以参于其中。特别是新年假期,请尽量缩短,同时也可避免灵里荒废,懒散及浪费时光于吃喝玩乐!【祝福在其中,抓紧机会,以免向隅】
Selayang堂购堂义卖会17/12/06(日)12pm-5pm假该堂会举行。每本固本RM20。请踊跃支持。No。10,Jalan3/5,Bandar Baru Selayang。
汉林21周年感恩演唱会29/12/06(五)假蕉赖民政大厦音乐厅举行。票卷RM15,RM35,RM50,RM100. 欢迎出席支持。
大马P&W Live 网站 欢迎登上大马基督徒诗歌创作人网章。有14条radio.
~ 沐恩圣经学校 Muk En Bible School ~
日期 时间 课程 地点 导 师
03/12(日) 1:00pm MEMC 101认识教会 二 楼 刘牧师
8:00pm 爱修园课程:医治与释放 (五):5&6 二 楼 刘牧师
06/12(三) 8:30pm 清泉事工课程 :第四课(下) 二 楼 刘牧师
07/12(三) 8:30pm 铃鼓班训练 二 楼 胡美琴
09/12(六) 2:30pm 三福训练:第11课 二 楼 刘牧师
** 17/12(日) 1:00pm 培谈员密集训练(请招待员,培谈员,三福队员要出席!)
~教会统计Statistic~上主日人数(早堂):140 人 (150人)人数(崇拜): 69 人 ( 83人)儿童主日学人数 :25 人( 27人)【2006年目标:300人】奉献(早堂):RM976.90 (RM753.20) (崇拜):RM380.00/RM502.06 儿童主日学:RM44.50/RM53.00 【2006年目标:RM1000/周】
新聚会所认献/奉献运动【 进驻耶利歌计划 】我们将于本主日正式推启一百万元进驻耶利歌计划的认献/奉献运动。随周刊付上奉献进展表供大家参考。让我们同心合意在这目标上向神祈求,并凭信心作出认献,在未来三、四年中为新聚会所作出奉献。目标:RM1,000,000.00 至11月已收到RM96,407.95
牧师屋 至11月份,共有57位弟兄姐妹为牧师屋奉献了RM54,798.98。谢谢大家的献上,愿主赐福!本月内我们将开始进行基本装修,估计费用约5万元,欢迎还未参于牧师屋奉献的弟兄姐妹莫失为神的家的产业献上一份力量的机会。我们将例出一份清单,让弟兄姐妹或小组或家庭参于这奉献!
Tuesday, November 28, 2006
Weekly Bulletin 25112006
本主日(26/11) 第二场崇拜后,有本月份的迎新聚餐,欢迎所有的新生,新朋友们出席这聚餐会,彼此联谊。
请执事,同工,事工组长及对教会圣工有负担的弟兄姐妹预备心出席参加教会圣工研讨会:1/12(五)同心祷告寻求神;2/12(六)9:00am 研讨主圣工。
~营会,聚会 Camp/Special Events ~
1. 02/12(六) 8pm菲律宾著名教牧合唱团莅临本教区甲洞堂诗歌敬拜呈现,欢迎大家出席参加。
2. 4-8/12(一至五)目标驱动新人王-目标导向游戏营: Nilai Inti College.费用: RM240(1/10之后)。13-30岁的青少年。中文教会史上创举的游戏营会,感受生活现实滋味,发现生命终极目标。快上网报名!
3. 11-15/12(一至五)品格塑造福音营,最大的是爱NilaiIntiCollege,RM210(30/9前)RM240(30/9后),欢迎13 岁以上的青少年人参加!
4. 10-14/1/07假古晋蒙福教会举行为国家复兴祷告会: 有负担者请向牧师报名,机票自付,住吃免费。
17-23/12圣诞传爱行动 23/12(六)儿童圣诞欢庆会:住家24/12(日)8:00am/10:30am圣诞主日感恩崇拜。 6:30pm圣诞歌舞剧(布道)晚会:GS Hotel.(票卷开始出售:工作者RM40,学生/小孩RM25,邀请属灵认领对象一律RM10而已!召募招待员与陪谈员数十人,请向统全弟兄登记。25/12(一)圣诞节福音聚会:各小组
1. 找一个/几对象,祷告中纪念。若有负担,为他禁食祷告。
2. 与他/她建立一个亲近的关系:关心,问候,提供协助!并偶而一起用餐交流。
3. 藉机会送些福音VCD,福音册子给他,并开始讯问邀请他出席参加圣诞歌剧晚会。
4. 赠送灵命日粮圣诞特刊给他,并邀请他出席圣诞歌剧晚会,告诉他你需要购买入场卷邀请他出席的!
~~生命小组聚会Life Cell Group ~~
〖 彼此以爱建立,同心扩展神国 〗* 请组长每主日在布告栏填上出席人数记录.谢谢.请在二楼索取最新杂志!
17/12/06(日)12pm-5pm假该堂会举行。每本固本RM20。请踊跃支持。No。10,Jalan3/5,Bandar Baru Selayang。
29/12/06(五)假蕉赖民政大厦音乐厅举行。票卷:RM15,RM35, RM50,RM100.欢迎出席支持。
上主日人数(早堂):150人(147人) 人数(崇拜): 83人 (73人)儿童主日学人数 : 27人 (20人)【2006年目标:300人】奉献(早堂):RM753.20 (RM1130.11)(崇拜):RM502.06 (RM509.00) 儿童主日学:RM53.00 (RM26.50)【2006年目标:RM1000/周】
新聚会所认献/奉献运动New Ch. Building【 进驻耶利歌计划 】
我们已于5/11正式推启一百万元进驻耶利歌计划 的认献/奉献运动。共有201位弟兄姐妹已同心回应。认献数目共RM2,659,618.00。未作出认献回应的弟兄姐妹请尽快交上认献表格,让我们在这事工上显出同心合意。并向神祈求应许,能完成信心认献。目标:RM1,000,000.00
本主日(26/11) 第二场崇拜后,有本月份的迎新聚餐,欢迎所有的新生,新朋友们出席这聚餐会,彼此联谊。
请执事,同工,事工组长及对教会圣工有负担的弟兄姐妹预备心出席参加教会圣工研讨会:1/12(五)同心祷告寻求神;2/12(六)9:00am 研讨主圣工。
~营会,聚会 Camp/Special Events ~
1. 02/12(六) 8pm菲律宾著名教牧合唱团莅临本教区甲洞堂诗歌敬拜呈现,欢迎大家出席参加。
2. 4-8/12(一至五)目标驱动新人王-目标导向游戏营: Nilai Inti College.费用: RM240(1/10之后)。13-30岁的青少年。中文教会史上创举的游戏营会,感受生活现实滋味,发现生命终极目标。快上网报名!
3. 11-15/12(一至五)品格塑造福音营,最大的是爱NilaiIntiCollege,RM210(30/9前)RM240(30/9后),欢迎13 岁以上的青少年人参加!
4. 10-14/1/07假古晋蒙福教会举行为国家复兴祷告会: 有负担者请向牧师报名,机票自付,住吃免费。
17-23/12圣诞传爱行动 23/12(六)儿童圣诞欢庆会:住家24/12(日)8:00am/10:30am圣诞主日感恩崇拜。 6:30pm圣诞歌舞剧(布道)晚会:GS Hotel.(票卷开始出售:工作者RM40,学生/小孩RM25,邀请属灵认领对象一律RM10而已!召募招待员与陪谈员数十人,请向统全弟兄登记。25/12(一)圣诞节福音聚会:各小组
1. 找一个/几对象,祷告中纪念。若有负担,为他禁食祷告。
2. 与他/她建立一个亲近的关系:关心,问候,提供协助!并偶而一起用餐交流。
3. 藉机会送些福音VCD,福音册子给他,并开始讯问邀请他出席参加圣诞歌剧晚会。
4. 赠送灵命日粮圣诞特刊给他,并邀请他出席圣诞歌剧晚会,告诉他你需要购买入场卷邀请他出席的!
~~生命小组聚会Life Cell Group ~~
〖 彼此以爱建立,同心扩展神国 〗* 请组长每主日在布告栏填上出席人数记录.谢谢.请在二楼索取最新杂志!
17/12/06(日)12pm-5pm假该堂会举行。每本固本RM20。请踊跃支持。No。10,Jalan3/5,Bandar Baru Selayang。
29/12/06(五)假蕉赖民政大厦音乐厅举行。票卷:RM15,RM35, RM50,RM100.欢迎出席支持。
上主日人数(早堂):150人(147人) 人数(崇拜): 83人 (73人)儿童主日学人数 : 27人 (20人)【2006年目标:300人】奉献(早堂):RM753.20 (RM1130.11)(崇拜):RM502.06 (RM509.00) 儿童主日学:RM53.00 (RM26.50)【2006年目标:RM1000/周】
新聚会所认献/奉献运动New Ch. Building【 进驻耶利歌计划 】
我们已于5/11正式推启一百万元进驻耶利歌计划 的认献/奉献运动。共有201位弟兄姐妹已同心回应。认献数目共RM2,659,618.00。未作出认献回应的弟兄姐妹请尽快交上认献表格,让我们在这事工上显出同心合意。并向神祈求应许,能完成信心认献。目标:RM1,000,000.00
Monday, November 27, 2006
霹雳州代表、彭加兰巴鲁区(Pengkalan Baru)州议员翰蒂阿布巴卡(Hamdi bin Abu Bakar)辩论主席政策演说时重祭513冲突事件,并称不止马来人善忘,华人及印度人也善忘。他说:“我们是(这个国家的)主人,为什么我们不能谈我们的生存问题?我们没有阻止他们进步,他们为什么怕我们进步?我们是好的主人,让我们能够成为好夥伴!”

马六甲代表哈斯诺(Hasnoor Sdg Husin,左图)在巫统大会警告,如果非马来人不赞同联邦宪法,继续质疑与挑战马来人及回教的地位,马来人就不能再被动地、仅以防卫姿态面对,而必须反击,并反称马来人也可以质疑非马来人的公民权(kerakyatan)!
玻璃市州代表哈欣(Hashim bin Suboh)则表示,巫统在华小课题上对友族胸襟宽阔,并举列巫统愿意修改曾经授权教育部长关闭国民型小学(华文小学及淡米尔文小学)的教育法令,以及放任15所学生人数不超过10人的微型华小,声称这是巫统为了讨友族欢心所作的退让。
他在结束辩论经济与教育议案前,向巫统青年团团长兼教育部长希山慕丁(Hishammuddin Husssein)提问:“两年来持续举剑并亲吻之的希山慕丁,什么时候要出击?(Dah dua tahun berturut mengangkat dan cium keris. Bila Datuk Hisahm nak bertikam sekali-kaili? )”
另外,前部长莫哈末拉末(Mohamad Rahmat)警告说,马来人会“发飚”(amok);巫青团执委阿兹米(Azimi Daim)则放言:“当引发紧张气氛,马来英雄的血将流入我们的血管里!”登嘉楼州巫青团宣传主任也说:“马来人的特权不容被挑战,若不,马来人将发飚,513事件将重演,而且它将比1969年那场令吉隆坡草场荒芜掉的冲突事件更为严重!”


除了上述巫青和巫统代表,巫青团团长希山慕丁、副团长凯里和纳吉本身也发表了种族主义色彩浓烈的言论。希山慕丁在巫青大会上频频发表“捍卫马来人议程”(Agenda Melayu)的言论,并且不顾国人的反感,延续去年的激烈动作,在巫青大会结束前高举克里斯剑。
凯里在巫青大会上发表总结演说时严词质疑亚洲策略与领导研究院(ASLI)属下的公共政策研究中心(Centre for Public Policy Studies)主任林德宜的土著股权报告。他说:“我们可以接受他调查根据的标准,但是这一次我们要把目标订到70%!看他还会不会弄出一个马来人已经掌有80%股权的报告?”
Thursday, November 23, 2006

We have already taken the keys from the developer last Friday (17/11/2006). And Brother Andy Ling will lead the arrangement to co-ordinate to complete the renovation ASAP. Brother Jin Ing will give quotation, then will audit by Andy and Committee. Would like to thank Andy and Jin for their hard work and contributions.

Wednesday, November 22, 2006
- 谢恩堂58, Cooloongatta Rd, Camberwell VIC 3124 Tel/Fax:03-98890702/1156
- Canberra布道所Corner Launceston St. Melrose Dr., Lyons ACT 2606 Tel:2-62476249
- Carlton NSW救恩堂17, Planthurst Rd, Carlton NSW 2218 Tel:02-9462632
- Darwin NT布道所49, Parap Rd, Parap. N.T. Tel:08-89818451
- Eight Miles Planis QLD福恩堂5, Levington Rd, Eight Mile Plains QLD 4113 Tel:07-38410892
- Goodwood SA思恩堂158-160, Goodwood Rd, Goodwood SA 5034 Tel:08-83735947
- Launceston TAS布道所4/391, Invermay Rd., Mowbray, Launceston 7248 Tel:03-63344399
- Manning WA神恩堂 Corner Cornish Cres & Cloister Ave, Manning WA 6152 Tel:08-94507700
- Melbourne沐恩堂717, Flinders Street, Docklands, Melbourne, VIC 3000
- Nedlands WA蒙恩堂38-40, Kingsway, Nedlands, WA 6009 Tel:08-93899248
- Norwood布道所P.O. Box7008, Hutt St, Adelaide 5000
- Preston VIC布道所CNR High St/Murray Rd, Preston 3072 Tel:03-98406429
- Sherwood QLD主恩堂 405 Oxley Rd, Sherwood, QLD 4075 Tel:07-32786899
- Willetton WA感恩堂226, Anstey Rd, Forrestdale, WA 6112 Tel:08-93972438
- Wollongong布道所33, Market St, Wollongong 2500 Tel:02-95800408

The Motion was defeated by brute majority of BN:
MOTION by Wong Ho Leng, ADUN for Bukit Assek, Sibu:
That safeguards and better tenure be provided to landowners in that all leases/land titles in Sarawak be automatically and unconditionally extended or renewed for 99 years prior to their expiry, that the acquisition process be deemed automatically cancelled in the event that the land be not acquired within 2 years of the proposed acquisition, and that reasonable compensation according to market price be expeditiously paid to land owners on acquisition.
Tuan Speaker,
The Motion standing in my name has 3 parts. I will move them in turn.
(1) Extension/Renewal of Term of Title
Land ownership is a fundamental right enshrined in the Federal Constitution. Land is the people’s root.
About 20 years ago, when the State election was held in April 15-16, 1987 in conjunction with the Ming Court incident, no political party bothered to talk about renewal or extension of term of land titles. This was simply because people thought that the land leases would expire 20 years down the road. The impact was not so immediate, so to speak. No one was worried then.
But now, 20 years later, landowners are concerned of their leases expiring.
20 years is not a long time. It flies like a flashy twinkle of an eye. In terms of a person’s life, it is scary to ask how many 20 years one has.
Therefore I implore upon you all to do something before counting how many 20 years are left in us. Politicians come and go, but the term of the land leases are shortening, year by year. The concerns of the landowners are growing, day by day.
Almost all of us in this august House are landowners. To that extent I declare my interest. Our parents, siblings, next of kins, relatives, friends and enemies are also landowners. Do we care for them? When we are able to, please leave a legacy that we are doing something concrete for the future generations.
Let us go to statistics. They do not lie.
Most land tiles in Sarawak are for a term of 60 years.
As of December 2005, 171,157 land titles with term 60 years or less had been issued in Sarawak. This represents 43% of all land titles issued in Sarawak. Compared this with neighbouring Sabah and Peninsular Malaysia, very few titles are issued for 60 years.
By the end of 2010, 6,584 land titles will expire;
By the end of 2015, another 30,111 land titles will expire;
By the end of 2020, a further 21,091 land titles will expire;
By the end of 2025, another 86,648 land titles will expire.
This means that by the end of 2025, less than 20 years from now, 144,434 land titles will expire out of 171,157 issued. This represents a whopping 84.4% of the 60-years titles.
Landowners are from Chinese, Malays, Melanaus, Dayaks communities. It would be totally inhuman not to understand the worries of the landowners.
No Automatic Renewal
In the Dewan Undangan Negeri sitting in July this year, the Minister had said that there would be no automatic extension, but that the people must apply for extension and pay a premium.
In May 20 2006, SUPP suffered a heavy loss. They put part of the blame on the land issue. Yet, they took no concrete action. It was more than 6 months after their electoral defeat that it decided to set up a task force to collect information on land. It was reported in the news on 19th November 2006 that the task force will submit a memorandum to the Chief Minister.
There is no need to submit a memorandum to the Chief Minister. As elected representatives, you can say your piece to the Chief Minister right in this uppermost sanctum of the legislative chamber.
Tell the Chief Minister the plight, worries and concern of the people.
Tell the Chief Minister what do the people want. I want to hear you say it too.
I am conveying these worries to the Chief Minister now. This is not my first time doing so. We all can do it.
A caring Chief Minister will have to listen. That is the very essence of the existence of this House. But we should not blame the Chief Minister alone. If all our elected wakil rakyat had transcribed the people’s worries and concern to the Chief Minister, I do not believe that he won’t listen.
Apart from having to pay RM200.00 per acre to extend the term of the agricultural land, landowners do not have any idea how much they will have to pay to obtain extension to their terms for commercial, industrial and residential land.
I have no doubt that the Government had wanted the people to pay hefty premium to renew or extend their land title term. On 20th January, 2005 during a meet the community leaders session in Sibu the premium rates were announced in the presence of the SUPP leaders in Sibu. The rates as announced, to be based on land value, were as follows:
Purpose Town Land Suburban Land Country Land Commercial 61% 45% 25%Industrial 61% 45% 25%Office 55% 45% 25%Recreation 53% 42% 25%Residential 50% 40% 25%Agricultural 230 per acre 230 per acre 200 per acre
We should not blame the people for becoming worried about their properties. They spent so much money buying them. Yet, over time, they have to pay the hefty premium, failing which they will lose everything, including the house on the land.
Energies for People But Not for Self
Some of the component parties of the Barisan Nasional could spend time and energies on internal strife. But is solving the people’s immediate concern, plight and worries over their land their immediate concern?
About 20 years ago, we had the Ming Court. Not too long ago, we had witnessed the infamous struggles in SNAP and PBDS that led to their de-registration. Then we have this political rift in PRS. As if political dramas are part of the day, we have this massive and messy political bickering in the SUPP. The Deputy Chief Minister II said yesterday that political collision is bad enough. It cannot be wrong.
As a part of the Government, your job should be to look into solving the problems of the people. Please do not be involved in political collision courses and political bickering. The Chief Minister in his Budget speech yesterday said that political bickerings and arguments do not benefit anybody.
It was during these political bickerings in the SUPP youths that talks of signature campaign to hold the Special Delegate Conference surfaced. Meaningful signature campaigns are good and must be encouraged. They bring concrete message to the relevant parties.
That was why DAP started a signature campaign throughout Sarawak last month. We are seeking more safeguards and security to land ownership. Thousands of letters of appeal to amend the Land Code had been sent by post to the Chief Minister’s office. We have brought many of these letters here, all properly signed by the members of the public. The letters show that the people want their concern over land solved.
While on the ground, we see the frenzy desire to see a change to the Land Code to give landowners more safeguard and security to their land.
I urge the Government not to play ostrich to people’s demand.
The SUPP could hold many meetings to discuss the MBKS mayor issue, the issue over who was to be groomed to be the Deputy Chief Minister etc. Much time and energy were spent by both camps to demand the Deputy Chief Minister to retire or to let Minister of Finance II to take the seat as Chairman of Forward Team etc. Why similar time and energies and aggression could not be spent to discuss the plight of the people, including their concern over land ownership or to demand the cabinet led by the Chief Minister to amend the Land Code?
The message I intend to convey is there. There are urgent problems faced by the people. Tackle these problems. As a part of the Government, that is your job. Do not waste time in political bickerings and arguments.
Instead of demanding to change the law to provide for better safeguard and security to land ownership, the SUPP leadership in Sibu could hold emergency meetings to discuss disciplinary actions against one of their Assistant Ministers for intending to form Dudong branch. On 29th October 2006 the Borneo Post flashed a headline “Shock over Dudong Branch”. It was reported that all the Chairmen of 16 units of SUPP Sibu branch, together with their members, turned up in full force to show their solidarity. Solidarity! For what? To deliberate on what sort of disciplinary action to be taken against Dr Soon Choon Teck! Since the formation of SUPP in 1959 has there been a solidarity meeting by all units in SUPP Sibu branch to deliberate on the plight of the people and to discuss the land issue?
Legacy of Change for Better
I must record that DAP fully agrees with the Chief Minister that there is something we share in common, that is, our desire to see Sarawak move ahead.
But many times I heard that it was the Chief Minister who had been slow to allow the present laws to be amended so that lease terms are automatically extended before they expire.
Rather than blaming one person, I believe that it is the Government that is to blame. I understand that any decision of the cabinet is made collectively.
No one can hold on power for life. After 22 years as the Prime Minister, Tun Mahathir Mohamad had to hand over the helm to his successor.
Our Chief Minister had been in power for a longer time. You will have to hand over your chair to somebody else one day.
Before you leave the office, the Chief Minister should consider leaving a legacy which can be the subject of praise by the future generations. You should leave no chance that you were the bad boy for change. Let me elaborate.
The 2004 Parliamentary election was fought on the “New Prime Minister factor”. Campaign materials especially in Chinese depicted the new Prime Minister as modern Justice Pau that would leave no stone unturned to weed out corruption. Implicit in this campaign theme is the message that the former administration under Tun Mahathir Mohamad was corrupt and unclean, thereby needing Justice Pau. The Barisan Nasional made history by reaping an unprecedented win as a result.
When the Corruption Index was released, it shows that our country’s ranking had fallen 5 places from 39 last year to 44 this year. Who was blamed? In Parliament, de facto law minister Nazri Abdul Aziz said that this dismal performance is attributable to the previous administration.
Therefore, do not leave room for the future administration to possibly call you a bad guy. When debating something concerning land, I had heard one or two members of the Barisan Nasional blaming our former TYT and not the present administration. This is not fair because though in the same Party they did not dare to make suggestion to improve when the former TYT was the Chief Minister.
I believe that safeguards and better tenure must be provided to landowners. I believe that it is only right that all leaseholds in Sarawak be automatically and unconditionally renewed or extended for 99 years prior to their expiry.
The mechanism for automatic renewal or extension can be done by the stroke of a pen, to amend the Land Code.
My humble suggestion to the Chief Minister is this. Do something now. Amend the Land Code to provide better safeguard for the landowners. They will appreciate you. Leave a legacy that you care and love the Sarawak people. If you have already cared, there is no harm if you can care even more.
(2) Acquisition Process
The second part of my motion relates to acquisition process. I believe that it is necessary that the acquisition process be deemed automatically cancelled in the event that the land is not acquired within 2 years of the proposed acquisition.
10 years ago in this august House I suggested that in order to cater for proper planning, perhaps the acquisition process should only lapse after 3 years. Now, 10 years on, I must confess that I must assume that computerisation and the advent of ICT should help expedite all acquisition processes while at the same time cutting down bureaucratic red tapes. In order that we may not be seen to lag behind other developed states, we should cut down this process to 2 years, so that acquisition process must be deemed to be automatically cancelled in the event that the land is not acquired within 2 years of the proposed acquisition.
I heard some honourable members speak on this issue before in this august House. That is not enough. Where is the policy in black and white? The Land Code should be amended to ensure that this is possible.
Let us remind ourselves of history. Politicians should better believe that historical records are there to oversee us. Let me read from an election manifesto of PERMAS-PBDS distributed in the April 1987 election. It says in paragraph 7:
(a) Compensation for land acquired for Government purposes must be based on market price at the time of payment of compensation and NOT when notice to acquire under s.47 of the Land Code is issued.
(b) The powers granted under s.47 will not be abused. We will not, for example, place an entire town under s.47, as the Abdul Taib Regime did in Lawas.
(c) Notice of intention to acquire land under s.47 of the Land Code shall automatically lapse after 3 years if the land has not been acquired by Government within that period.
(d) Steps will be taken to ensure that repeated notices under s.47 of the Land Code, contrary to (c) above, will not be permitted.
(e) We will amend the Land Code to give effect to these proposals and to remedy weaknesses exploited by the present regime.
The group that issued this election manifesto had been called political pirates. But that was history. Elected leaders of this group had re-joined the Barisan Nasional and merged with them. What has been done? The Land Code had not been amended.
Do something now. DAP stands together with the Government to do it. Landowners must get more protection.
(3) Compensation
The 3rd part of my motion concerns compensation. I believe that laws must be made so that reasonable compensation according to market price must be expeditiously paid to landowners on acquisition. Otherwise, release the land to freedom.
I do not believe that any one of us has any qualms about compensation for land acquisition to be based on current market price.
The problem is, we have cases where the Government has determined that certain land be acquired, but despite the waiting, compensation is not forthcoming. I have a recent example. On 17th January, 2003, the Minister of Planning and Resource Management made a decision to acquire 29 parcels of land in Sibu for the establishment of Lau King Howe Polyclinic (Replacement) and Medical Laboratory cum Store, Sibu. Section 48 Gazette notification was made vide No.989 of 20th March, 2003.
By letter dated 27th October, 2004 the Superintendent of Lands and Surveys, Sibu Division, gave notice that “the State intends to take possession of the land” under the provisions of section 48 of the Land Code.
All these were prime land located at Jalan Tun Abang Haji Openg, less than a stone’s throw away from Sibu town center. The Land and Survey Department offered to compensate the landowners RM12,000.00 per point. Yet, the independent valuation says that the land was worth RM18,000.00 per point. This is another instant where it is clear that compensation has not been based on market price, at least from the valuers’ and landowners’ perspective.
Not much went further than this. Then on 24th February, 2006, the Land and Survey Department in Sibu wrote to inform the following:
“For your information, this office is now awaiting for the requisite fund from Kementerian Kesihatan Malaysia to proceed with the acquisition. ... Todate, ... Jabatan Kesihatan Negeri Sarawak has not made final decision to acquire the site or otherwise”.
All these while, the landowners were kept at limbo and waiting. They could not sell, charge or do anything else with their land, even if they need them for business, medical treatment or for children’s education. Since the date of the gazette notice, the compensation money has not come.
This process is not fair to landowners. Because the land had been designated for acquisition, the transferability is compromised, and even more so, the sale price will be reduced or jeopardised. The forced sale price won’t be high.
I believe that it is important and it is only fair that once acquisition is notified, compensation must be paid out expeditiously. Otherwise, release the land to freedom.
I appreciate to be given this opportunity to move this Motion. This motion is moved for all. It can be for members of this House. It can be for heads of departments and officers sitting in this chambers. It can be for those seated in the public gallery. This motion is for all landowners of Sarawak. It is for all anak-anak Sarawak, who are honest in believing that extension of land title is for their good and that of their children and their children.
Even for those who hate me, this motion is also for them.
It was reported in the Borneo Post on 16th November, 2006 that Minister of Tourism and Finance II said during the 55th anniversary of the Petty Traders and Meradong and Sibu Division at Sibu Civic Centre that DAP “mentioned a lot of problems, but they ask others to solve them”.
How sad, this irresponsible statement made by this Minister.
DAP raised problems because they are the people’s problems. DAP raised problems because the Government had not looked after or solve these, the people’s problems. DAP raised problems because it is the duty of the Government to solve these problems. Please understand that it is the Government’s duty to solve the people’s problem. It is not the role of the Opposition. Please go and read the books on politics and democracy. Even the Government under Communist China knows that it is the Government’s job to solve the people’s problem, what more a Government elected by the people, for the people, of the people?
The People’s problems are solved by the heart, with a heart, a heart with conscience. I pray that you all have both the heart and the conscience.
I am now bringing the land problem to this august House. I feel duty bound to. I am asking that this problem be solved by all of us. As legislators, we can do it, and most importantly, we have to do it.
We all had witnessed the making of history in May 2006. Do not ignore history. Those who ignore history are doomed to repeat it.
Our state either moves forward or backward. We move forward if as legislators we have hearts and conscience for the people. We either evolve or regress, adapt or stagnate. We regress if we are mere robots.
In order to move forward, we must hear the just demands of the people. We must be positive, democratic, mature and judicious.
Do not feel that this is an Opposition Motion so it has to be defeated. All of us stand equally before the law. Vote according to your conscience. Be YBs with conscience for the betterment of the lives of the people.
Do not reduce this house into an impotent debating club or a rubber stamp of the executive. That will make a democratic election meaningless, making this august house a lame duck. This lame duck overlay would be immensely bureaucratic, immensely destabilising, immensely infamous.
Do not jettison this democratic institution as a lame duckling. All that we say in this august house are recorded for posterity.
Be a part of this legacy to protect the landowners. Engineer a sustainable change by all our efforts. Learn from the election of May 20 and change course. The time is now.
I beg to therefore move.
MOTION by Wong Ho Leng, ADUN for Bukit Assek, Sibu:
That safeguards and better tenure be provided to landowners in that all leases/land titles in Sarawak be automatically and unconditionally extended or renewed for 99 years prior to their expiry, that the acquisition process be deemed automatically cancelled in the event that the land be not acquired within 2 years of the proposed acquisition, and that reasonable compensation according to market price be expeditiously paid to land owners on acquisition.
Tuan Speaker,
The Motion standing in my name has 3 parts. I will move them in turn.
(1) Extension/Renewal of Term of Title
Land ownership is a fundamental right enshrined in the Federal Constitution. Land is the people’s root.
About 20 years ago, when the State election was held in April 15-16, 1987 in conjunction with the Ming Court incident, no political party bothered to talk about renewal or extension of term of land titles. This was simply because people thought that the land leases would expire 20 years down the road. The impact was not so immediate, so to speak. No one was worried then.
But now, 20 years later, landowners are concerned of their leases expiring.
20 years is not a long time. It flies like a flashy twinkle of an eye. In terms of a person’s life, it is scary to ask how many 20 years one has.
Therefore I implore upon you all to do something before counting how many 20 years are left in us. Politicians come and go, but the term of the land leases are shortening, year by year. The concerns of the landowners are growing, day by day.
Almost all of us in this august House are landowners. To that extent I declare my interest. Our parents, siblings, next of kins, relatives, friends and enemies are also landowners. Do we care for them? When we are able to, please leave a legacy that we are doing something concrete for the future generations.
Let us go to statistics. They do not lie.
Most land tiles in Sarawak are for a term of 60 years.
As of December 2005, 171,157 land titles with term 60 years or less had been issued in Sarawak. This represents 43% of all land titles issued in Sarawak. Compared this with neighbouring Sabah and Peninsular Malaysia, very few titles are issued for 60 years.
By the end of 2010, 6,584 land titles will expire;
By the end of 2015, another 30,111 land titles will expire;
By the end of 2020, a further 21,091 land titles will expire;
By the end of 2025, another 86,648 land titles will expire.
This means that by the end of 2025, less than 20 years from now, 144,434 land titles will expire out of 171,157 issued. This represents a whopping 84.4% of the 60-years titles.
Landowners are from Chinese, Malays, Melanaus, Dayaks communities. It would be totally inhuman not to understand the worries of the landowners.
No Automatic Renewal
In the Dewan Undangan Negeri sitting in July this year, the Minister had said that there would be no automatic extension, but that the people must apply for extension and pay a premium.
In May 20 2006, SUPP suffered a heavy loss. They put part of the blame on the land issue. Yet, they took no concrete action. It was more than 6 months after their electoral defeat that it decided to set up a task force to collect information on land. It was reported in the news on 19th November 2006 that the task force will submit a memorandum to the Chief Minister.
There is no need to submit a memorandum to the Chief Minister. As elected representatives, you can say your piece to the Chief Minister right in this uppermost sanctum of the legislative chamber.
Tell the Chief Minister the plight, worries and concern of the people.
Tell the Chief Minister what do the people want. I want to hear you say it too.
I am conveying these worries to the Chief Minister now. This is not my first time doing so. We all can do it.
A caring Chief Minister will have to listen. That is the very essence of the existence of this House. But we should not blame the Chief Minister alone. If all our elected wakil rakyat had transcribed the people’s worries and concern to the Chief Minister, I do not believe that he won’t listen.
Apart from having to pay RM200.00 per acre to extend the term of the agricultural land, landowners do not have any idea how much they will have to pay to obtain extension to their terms for commercial, industrial and residential land.
I have no doubt that the Government had wanted the people to pay hefty premium to renew or extend their land title term. On 20th January, 2005 during a meet the community leaders session in Sibu the premium rates were announced in the presence of the SUPP leaders in Sibu. The rates as announced, to be based on land value, were as follows:
Purpose Town Land Suburban Land Country Land Commercial 61% 45% 25%Industrial 61% 45% 25%Office 55% 45% 25%Recreation 53% 42% 25%Residential 50% 40% 25%Agricultural 230 per acre 230 per acre 200 per acre
We should not blame the people for becoming worried about their properties. They spent so much money buying them. Yet, over time, they have to pay the hefty premium, failing which they will lose everything, including the house on the land.
Energies for People But Not for Self
Some of the component parties of the Barisan Nasional could spend time and energies on internal strife. But is solving the people’s immediate concern, plight and worries over their land their immediate concern?
About 20 years ago, we had the Ming Court. Not too long ago, we had witnessed the infamous struggles in SNAP and PBDS that led to their de-registration. Then we have this political rift in PRS. As if political dramas are part of the day, we have this massive and messy political bickering in the SUPP. The Deputy Chief Minister II said yesterday that political collision is bad enough. It cannot be wrong.
As a part of the Government, your job should be to look into solving the problems of the people. Please do not be involved in political collision courses and political bickering. The Chief Minister in his Budget speech yesterday said that political bickerings and arguments do not benefit anybody.
It was during these political bickerings in the SUPP youths that talks of signature campaign to hold the Special Delegate Conference surfaced. Meaningful signature campaigns are good and must be encouraged. They bring concrete message to the relevant parties.
That was why DAP started a signature campaign throughout Sarawak last month. We are seeking more safeguards and security to land ownership. Thousands of letters of appeal to amend the Land Code had been sent by post to the Chief Minister’s office. We have brought many of these letters here, all properly signed by the members of the public. The letters show that the people want their concern over land solved.
While on the ground, we see the frenzy desire to see a change to the Land Code to give landowners more safeguard and security to their land.
I urge the Government not to play ostrich to people’s demand.
The SUPP could hold many meetings to discuss the MBKS mayor issue, the issue over who was to be groomed to be the Deputy Chief Minister etc. Much time and energy were spent by both camps to demand the Deputy Chief Minister to retire or to let Minister of Finance II to take the seat as Chairman of Forward Team etc. Why similar time and energies and aggression could not be spent to discuss the plight of the people, including their concern over land ownership or to demand the cabinet led by the Chief Minister to amend the Land Code?
The message I intend to convey is there. There are urgent problems faced by the people. Tackle these problems. As a part of the Government, that is your job. Do not waste time in political bickerings and arguments.
Instead of demanding to change the law to provide for better safeguard and security to land ownership, the SUPP leadership in Sibu could hold emergency meetings to discuss disciplinary actions against one of their Assistant Ministers for intending to form Dudong branch. On 29th October 2006 the Borneo Post flashed a headline “Shock over Dudong Branch”. It was reported that all the Chairmen of 16 units of SUPP Sibu branch, together with their members, turned up in full force to show their solidarity. Solidarity! For what? To deliberate on what sort of disciplinary action to be taken against Dr Soon Choon Teck! Since the formation of SUPP in 1959 has there been a solidarity meeting by all units in SUPP Sibu branch to deliberate on the plight of the people and to discuss the land issue?
Legacy of Change for Better
I must record that DAP fully agrees with the Chief Minister that there is something we share in common, that is, our desire to see Sarawak move ahead.
But many times I heard that it was the Chief Minister who had been slow to allow the present laws to be amended so that lease terms are automatically extended before they expire.
Rather than blaming one person, I believe that it is the Government that is to blame. I understand that any decision of the cabinet is made collectively.
No one can hold on power for life. After 22 years as the Prime Minister, Tun Mahathir Mohamad had to hand over the helm to his successor.
Our Chief Minister had been in power for a longer time. You will have to hand over your chair to somebody else one day.
Before you leave the office, the Chief Minister should consider leaving a legacy which can be the subject of praise by the future generations. You should leave no chance that you were the bad boy for change. Let me elaborate.
The 2004 Parliamentary election was fought on the “New Prime Minister factor”. Campaign materials especially in Chinese depicted the new Prime Minister as modern Justice Pau that would leave no stone unturned to weed out corruption. Implicit in this campaign theme is the message that the former administration under Tun Mahathir Mohamad was corrupt and unclean, thereby needing Justice Pau. The Barisan Nasional made history by reaping an unprecedented win as a result.
When the Corruption Index was released, it shows that our country’s ranking had fallen 5 places from 39 last year to 44 this year. Who was blamed? In Parliament, de facto law minister Nazri Abdul Aziz said that this dismal performance is attributable to the previous administration.
Therefore, do not leave room for the future administration to possibly call you a bad guy. When debating something concerning land, I had heard one or two members of the Barisan Nasional blaming our former TYT and not the present administration. This is not fair because though in the same Party they did not dare to make suggestion to improve when the former TYT was the Chief Minister.
I believe that safeguards and better tenure must be provided to landowners. I believe that it is only right that all leaseholds in Sarawak be automatically and unconditionally renewed or extended for 99 years prior to their expiry.
The mechanism for automatic renewal or extension can be done by the stroke of a pen, to amend the Land Code.
My humble suggestion to the Chief Minister is this. Do something now. Amend the Land Code to provide better safeguard for the landowners. They will appreciate you. Leave a legacy that you care and love the Sarawak people. If you have already cared, there is no harm if you can care even more.
(2) Acquisition Process
The second part of my motion relates to acquisition process. I believe that it is necessary that the acquisition process be deemed automatically cancelled in the event that the land is not acquired within 2 years of the proposed acquisition.
10 years ago in this august House I suggested that in order to cater for proper planning, perhaps the acquisition process should only lapse after 3 years. Now, 10 years on, I must confess that I must assume that computerisation and the advent of ICT should help expedite all acquisition processes while at the same time cutting down bureaucratic red tapes. In order that we may not be seen to lag behind other developed states, we should cut down this process to 2 years, so that acquisition process must be deemed to be automatically cancelled in the event that the land is not acquired within 2 years of the proposed acquisition.
I heard some honourable members speak on this issue before in this august House. That is not enough. Where is the policy in black and white? The Land Code should be amended to ensure that this is possible.
Let us remind ourselves of history. Politicians should better believe that historical records are there to oversee us. Let me read from an election manifesto of PERMAS-PBDS distributed in the April 1987 election. It says in paragraph 7:
(a) Compensation for land acquired for Government purposes must be based on market price at the time of payment of compensation and NOT when notice to acquire under s.47 of the Land Code is issued.
(b) The powers granted under s.47 will not be abused. We will not, for example, place an entire town under s.47, as the Abdul Taib Regime did in Lawas.
(c) Notice of intention to acquire land under s.47 of the Land Code shall automatically lapse after 3 years if the land has not been acquired by Government within that period.
(d) Steps will be taken to ensure that repeated notices under s.47 of the Land Code, contrary to (c) above, will not be permitted.
(e) We will amend the Land Code to give effect to these proposals and to remedy weaknesses exploited by the present regime.
The group that issued this election manifesto had been called political pirates. But that was history. Elected leaders of this group had re-joined the Barisan Nasional and merged with them. What has been done? The Land Code had not been amended.
Do something now. DAP stands together with the Government to do it. Landowners must get more protection.
(3) Compensation
The 3rd part of my motion concerns compensation. I believe that laws must be made so that reasonable compensation according to market price must be expeditiously paid to landowners on acquisition. Otherwise, release the land to freedom.
I do not believe that any one of us has any qualms about compensation for land acquisition to be based on current market price.
The problem is, we have cases where the Government has determined that certain land be acquired, but despite the waiting, compensation is not forthcoming. I have a recent example. On 17th January, 2003, the Minister of Planning and Resource Management made a decision to acquire 29 parcels of land in Sibu for the establishment of Lau King Howe Polyclinic (Replacement) and Medical Laboratory cum Store, Sibu. Section 48 Gazette notification was made vide No.989 of 20th March, 2003.
By letter dated 27th October, 2004 the Superintendent of Lands and Surveys, Sibu Division, gave notice that “the State intends to take possession of the land” under the provisions of section 48 of the Land Code.
All these were prime land located at Jalan Tun Abang Haji Openg, less than a stone’s throw away from Sibu town center. The Land and Survey Department offered to compensate the landowners RM12,000.00 per point. Yet, the independent valuation says that the land was worth RM18,000.00 per point. This is another instant where it is clear that compensation has not been based on market price, at least from the valuers’ and landowners’ perspective.
Not much went further than this. Then on 24th February, 2006, the Land and Survey Department in Sibu wrote to inform the following:
“For your information, this office is now awaiting for the requisite fund from Kementerian Kesihatan Malaysia to proceed with the acquisition. ... Todate, ... Jabatan Kesihatan Negeri Sarawak has not made final decision to acquire the site or otherwise”.
All these while, the landowners were kept at limbo and waiting. They could not sell, charge or do anything else with their land, even if they need them for business, medical treatment or for children’s education. Since the date of the gazette notice, the compensation money has not come.
This process is not fair to landowners. Because the land had been designated for acquisition, the transferability is compromised, and even more so, the sale price will be reduced or jeopardised. The forced sale price won’t be high.
I believe that it is important and it is only fair that once acquisition is notified, compensation must be paid out expeditiously. Otherwise, release the land to freedom.
I appreciate to be given this opportunity to move this Motion. This motion is moved for all. It can be for members of this House. It can be for heads of departments and officers sitting in this chambers. It can be for those seated in the public gallery. This motion is for all landowners of Sarawak. It is for all anak-anak Sarawak, who are honest in believing that extension of land title is for their good and that of their children and their children.
Even for those who hate me, this motion is also for them.
It was reported in the Borneo Post on 16th November, 2006 that Minister of Tourism and Finance II said during the 55th anniversary of the Petty Traders and Meradong and Sibu Division at Sibu Civic Centre that DAP “mentioned a lot of problems, but they ask others to solve them”.
How sad, this irresponsible statement made by this Minister.
DAP raised problems because they are the people’s problems. DAP raised problems because the Government had not looked after or solve these, the people’s problems. DAP raised problems because it is the duty of the Government to solve these problems. Please understand that it is the Government’s duty to solve the people’s problem. It is not the role of the Opposition. Please go and read the books on politics and democracy. Even the Government under Communist China knows that it is the Government’s job to solve the people’s problem, what more a Government elected by the people, for the people, of the people?
The People’s problems are solved by the heart, with a heart, a heart with conscience. I pray that you all have both the heart and the conscience.
I am now bringing the land problem to this august House. I feel duty bound to. I am asking that this problem be solved by all of us. As legislators, we can do it, and most importantly, we have to do it.
We all had witnessed the making of history in May 2006. Do not ignore history. Those who ignore history are doomed to repeat it.
Our state either moves forward or backward. We move forward if as legislators we have hearts and conscience for the people. We either evolve or regress, adapt or stagnate. We regress if we are mere robots.
In order to move forward, we must hear the just demands of the people. We must be positive, democratic, mature and judicious.
Do not feel that this is an Opposition Motion so it has to be defeated. All of us stand equally before the law. Vote according to your conscience. Be YBs with conscience for the betterment of the lives of the people.
Do not reduce this house into an impotent debating club or a rubber stamp of the executive. That will make a democratic election meaningless, making this august house a lame duck. This lame duck overlay would be immensely bureaucratic, immensely destabilising, immensely infamous.
Do not jettison this democratic institution as a lame duckling. All that we say in this august house are recorded for posterity.
Be a part of this legacy to protect the landowners. Engineer a sustainable change by all our efforts. Learn from the election of May 20 and change course. The time is now.
I beg to therefore move.
Tuesday, November 21, 2006
Sunday, November 19, 2006
Friday, November 17, 2006
Weekly Bulletin 19112006
主题:为主多得一人Win one more for Jesus
18/11(六)医院探访/新人探访 19/11(日)中国宣教分享:思德弟兄 25/11(六)医院探访/新人探访 26/11(日)宣教分享:丽玲姐妹 宣教主日+认献:Win One More 4 JESUS!
下主日(26/11) 第二场崇拜后,有本月份的迎新聚餐,欢迎所有的新生,新朋友们出席这聚餐会,彼此联谊。
若弟兄姐妹已搬迁新居所/换电话,请将新通讯录或新号码通知办公室,以利联络。正式会友若因搬 迁,回乡或离开沐恩堂,请办理会友移名手续!
为迎接我们教会复兴的信心之旅,弟兄姐妹生命的突破及圣诞布道事工,定于24/11-30/11举行全教会「迎接挑战七日禁食祷告」。鼓励全体弟兄姐妹为自己,为教会,为神国度齐心献上同心 的祷告禁食。(全禁或斎禁-二餐)
定于25/11(六)进行全教会资源回收,请于当天将可循环之物(铅罐-踏扁,铁,plastic- 踏扁 ,白纸/有色纸(要分开),纸皮箱(要折),玻璃及还可穿的旧衣!)集在所指定的地点或联络各组组长。
~营会,聚会 Camp/Special Events ~
1.24/11(五) 4-6pm WorshipWorshop by Hill Song Team;7:30 pm Hill Song Worship Concert : SIB KL. 凭票入场。 2. 25/11(六) 8pm菲律宾著名教牧合唱团莅临本教区甲洞 堂诗歌敬拜呈现,欢迎大家出席参加。 3. 4-8/12(一至五)目标驱动新人王-目标导向游戏营: Nilai Inti College.费用: RM240 (1/10之后)。13-30岁的青少年。中文教会史上创举的游戏营会,感受生 活现实滋味,发现生命终极目标。快上网报名! 4. 11-15/12(一至五)品格塑造福音营,最大的是爱Nilai Inti C,R M210(30/9前) RM240 (30/9后),欢迎13岁 以上的青少年人参加! 5. 10-14/1/07假古晋蒙福教会举行为国家复兴祷告会:有负担者请向牧师报名,机票自付,住吃免费。
23/12(六)儿童圣诞欢庆会:住家 24/12(日)8:00am/10:30am圣诞主日感恩崇拜。6:30pm圣诞歌舞剧(布道)晚会:GS Hotel. (凭票入场:工作者RM40,学生/小孩RM25,邀请属灵认领对象一律RM10而已!召募招待员与陪谈员数十人,请向统全弟兄登记。25/12(一)圣诞节福音聚会:各小组
1. 找一个/几对象,祷告中纪念。若有负担,为他禁食祷告。2.与他/她建立一个亲近的关系:关心,问候,提供协助!并偶而一起用餐交流。 3.藉机会送些福音VCD,福音册子给他,并开始讯问邀请他出席参加圣诞歌剧晚会。
以赛亚事工培训学校召收明年度新生(2/1- 4/4/07)详情请参阅布告栏。费用RM3000,只须自付三分一,期间三月中有会友传道课程,欢迎会友传道参加,完成八个单元者,将获会友证书;请联络牧师。
上主日人数(早堂):147人(137人) 人数(崇拜): 73人(93人) 【2006年目标:300人】
儿童主日学人数 : 20人 (25人)
奉献(早堂):RM1130.11 (RM1102.10) (崇拜):RM509.00 (RM618.80)
儿童主日学:RM26.50 (RM41.30) 【2006年目标:RM1000/周】
新聚会所认献/奉献运动New Ch. Building
【 进驻耶利歌计划 】
我们已于5/11正式推启一百万元进驻耶利歌 计划的认献/奉献运动。共有200位弟兄姐妹已同心回应。认献数目共RM2,652,618.00。未作出认献回应的弟兄姐妹请尽快交上认献表格,让我们在这事工上显出同心合意。并向神祈求应许,能完成信心认献。至2/2007急需25万的付款及装修等。请祷告中迫切纪念!
主题:为主多得一人Win one more for Jesus
18/11(六)医院探访/新人探访 19/11(日)中国宣教分享:思德弟兄 25/11(六)医院探访/新人探访 26/11(日)宣教分享:丽玲姐妹 宣教主日+认献:Win One More 4 JESUS!
下主日(26/11) 第二场崇拜后,有本月份的迎新聚餐,欢迎所有的新生,新朋友们出席这聚餐会,彼此联谊。
若弟兄姐妹已搬迁新居所/换电话,请将新通讯录或新号码通知办公室,以利联络。正式会友若因搬 迁,回乡或离开沐恩堂,请办理会友移名手续!
为迎接我们教会复兴的信心之旅,弟兄姐妹生命的突破及圣诞布道事工,定于24/11-30/11举行全教会「迎接挑战七日禁食祷告」。鼓励全体弟兄姐妹为自己,为教会,为神国度齐心献上同心 的祷告禁食。(全禁或斎禁-二餐)
定于25/11(六)进行全教会资源回收,请于当天将可循环之物(铅罐-踏扁,铁,plastic- 踏扁 ,白纸/有色纸(要分开),纸皮箱(要折),玻璃及还可穿的旧衣!)集在所指定的地点或联络各组组长。
~营会,聚会 Camp/Special Events ~
1.24/11(五) 4-6pm WorshipWorshop by Hill Song Team;7:30 pm Hill Song Worship Concert : SIB KL. 凭票入场。 2. 25/11(六) 8pm菲律宾著名教牧合唱团莅临本教区甲洞 堂诗歌敬拜呈现,欢迎大家出席参加。 3. 4-8/12(一至五)目标驱动新人王-目标导向游戏营: Nilai Inti College.费用: RM240 (1/10之后)。13-30岁的青少年。中文教会史上创举的游戏营会,感受生 活现实滋味,发现生命终极目标。快上网报名! 4. 11-15/12(一至五)品格塑造福音营,最大的是爱Nilai Inti C,R M210(30/9前) RM240 (30/9后),欢迎13岁 以上的青少年人参加! 5. 10-14/1/07假古晋蒙福教会举行为国家复兴祷告会:有负担者请向牧师报名,机票自付,住吃免费。
23/12(六)儿童圣诞欢庆会:住家 24/12(日)8:00am/10:30am圣诞主日感恩崇拜。6:30pm圣诞歌舞剧(布道)晚会:GS Hotel. (凭票入场:工作者RM40,学生/小孩RM25,邀请属灵认领对象一律RM10而已!召募招待员与陪谈员数十人,请向统全弟兄登记。25/12(一)圣诞节福音聚会:各小组
1. 找一个/几对象,祷告中纪念。若有负担,为他禁食祷告。2.与他/她建立一个亲近的关系:关心,问候,提供协助!并偶而一起用餐交流。 3.藉机会送些福音VCD,福音册子给他,并开始讯问邀请他出席参加圣诞歌剧晚会。
以赛亚事工培训学校召收明年度新生(2/1- 4/4/07)详情请参阅布告栏。费用RM3000,只须自付三分一,期间三月中有会友传道课程,欢迎会友传道参加,完成八个单元者,将获会友证书;请联络牧师。
上主日人数(早堂):147人(137人) 人数(崇拜): 73人(93人) 【2006年目标:300人】
儿童主日学人数 : 20人 (25人)
奉献(早堂):RM1130.11 (RM1102.10) (崇拜):RM509.00 (RM618.80)
儿童主日学:RM26.50 (RM41.30) 【2006年目标:RM1000/周】
新聚会所认献/奉献运动New Ch. Building
【 进驻耶利歌计划 】
我们已于5/11正式推启一百万元进驻耶利歌 计划的认献/奉献运动。共有200位弟兄姐妹已同心回应。认献数目共RM2,652,618.00。未作出认献回应的弟兄姐妹请尽快交上认献表格,让我们在这事工上显出同心合意。并向神祈求应许,能完成信心认献。至2/2007急需25万的付款及装修等。请祷告中迫切纪念!
Thursday, November 16, 2006
Weekly Bulletin 12112006
主题:为主多得一人Win one more for Jesus
11/11(六)福音培训会:叶晨星博士 (一人得救,全家得救】
12/11(日)主日崇拜:黄美英牧师 ,医院探访训练
~本 周 聚 会 Weekly Events ~
日期 时间 聚会 地点 负责人
12/11 (日) 10:30am 儿童崇拜 Children Church 二 楼 儿童导师
01:00pm 赞美敬拜操练 Worship Team Gathering 聚会所 刘牧师
02:15pm 恋爱必修课程(7&8) 二 楼 刘师母
02:30pm 医院探访简训 聚会所 刘牧师
14/11 (二) 08:00pm 恋爱必修课程(9) 二 楼 刘师母
16/11 (四) 08:30pm 敬拜团 Worship Team 聚会所 丽玲/依凤
17/11 (五) 08:30pm 复兴祷告会 Revival Prayer 聚会所 凤仙/聪慧
18/11 (六) 08:00pm 生命小组 LCG Fellowship 各地点 生命组长
19/11 (日) 10:30pm 儿童崇拜 Children Church 二 楼 儿童导师
【忠心委身活出教会见证】 全然委身是基督徒生命旅程中重要的一环及挑战,是抗衡今天时代中随心所欲的态度。沐恩之子当:忠实教会出席聚会,敬虔生活成圣操练,见证主名传主福音。
本月份执事聚餐联谊(12/11, 6pm):假家实夫妇府上举行,请执事们出席。
教会圣工研讨会:1/12(五)同心祷告寻求神; 2/12(六)同心研讨主圣工。请执事,同工,事工组长预备心出席参加。
定于19/11(日)进行全教会资源回收,请于之前将可循环之物集合组长家或于当天带来教会!(铅罐-踏扁,铁,plastic- 踏扁,白纸/有色纸(要分开),纸皮箱(要折),玻璃及还可穿的旧衣!)
~主日事奉人员W. Duty Roster ~
司 值 早场/主日 下主日
讲员 黄美英牧师 刘长武牧师 主席/领会 刘牧师/黄毖荣 刘牧师/陈仕聪 领诗 黄忠伟/陈成蕊 赵云凤/吴丽玲 敬拜团 B组 C组 铃 鼓 B组 C组 招待员 S05&B/S10&B W04&C/S09&C
执事 接待 陈仕聪执事 李争蔚执事
~营会,聚会 Camp/Special Events ~
1. 13/11(一)禧福基层训练学院结业礼。
2. 15-17/11(三-五)第31届年议会假KL Federal Hotel。
17/11(五) 3pm假福建堂举行年会70周年感恩崇拜。
3. 24/11(五) 4-6pm WorshipWorshop by Hill Song Team;7:30pm Hill Song Worship Concert : SIB KL. 凭票入场。
4. 25/11(六) 8pm菲律宾著名教牧合唱团莅临本教区甲洞堂诗歌敬拜呈现,欢迎大家出席参加。
5. 4-8/12(一至五)目标驱动新人王-目标导向游戏营: Nilai Inti College.费用: RM240 (1/10之后)。13-30 岁的青少年。中文教会史上创举的游戏营会,感受生活现实滋味,发现生命终极目标。快上网报名!
6. 11-15/12(一至五)品格塑造福音营,最大的是爱Nilai Inti C,R M210(30/9前) RM240(30/9后),欢迎13岁以上的青少年人参加!
7. 10-14/1/07假古晋蒙福教会举行为国家复兴祷告会:有负担者请向牧师报名,机票自付,住吃免费。
6:30pm圣诞歌舞剧(布道)晚会:GS Hotel. (凭票入场:工作者RM40,学生/小孩RM25,邀
1. 找一个/几对象,祷告中纪念。
~~生命小组聚会Life Cell Group ~~
〖 彼此以爱建立,同心扩展神国 〗
* 请组长每主日在布告栏填上出席人数记录,谢谢. 请在二楼索取最新杂志!
WCG 01 (工作组)茂发/凤仙 [出席:12人] 星期六08:00pm Prima Setapak B-24-5 40252228/019-3133992
WCG 03 (工作组) 李政凌 [出席:6人] 星期六 07:30pm M.Alpha A 019-3767331
WCG 04 (工作弟兄组)忠伟/其岳/证强 [出席:6人] 星期六08:00pm W.Maju 012-2813416/012-2790452/016-6780519
WCG 05 (工作组) 友积 [出席:-人 ] 星期六 07:30pm Tmn.Melawati 012-2926322
WCG 06 (工作姐妹组) 徭今/丽珍/静文 [出席:8人] 星期六 08:00pm W.Maju 016-8939464
WCG 07 (PJ组) 城礼 [出席: 人] 星期六08:00pm PJ SS23 016-2859428
WCG 08 (工作组) 毖荣/灵辉 [出席:15人] 星期六08:00pm W.Maju 016-9988100/012-3063156
SCG 01 (学生组) 震豪/亦凤 [出席:11人] 星期六07:30pm Sri Pelangi Condo 012-8096878/012-8701807
SCG 02 (学生组)成钰/信伟 [出席:5人] 星期六 08:00pm W.Maju A8 012-8719515/012-9158753
SCG 03 (学生组) 采芹 [出席:13人] 星期六07:30pm W.Maju A15 41420011/012-8958009
SCG 04 (学生组) 彩微 [出席: 10人] 星期六07:30pm W.Maju E3 016-8284667
SCG 05 (学生组)万福/嘉玲/婉琳[出席:7人] 星期六 07:30pm M.Alpha A 019-2550588/012-8939587/017-3313057
SCG 06 (学生组) 贻亮/慧雯 [出席: 10人] 星期六 07:30pm Menara Alpha A 012-3537143/012-8860787
SCG 07 (学生组) 文田/张雄 [出席:7人] 星期六 7.30pm TBR/Melati 016-8883850/012-8821232
SCG 08 (学生组) 祥麒/德佑 [出席:8人] 星期六 07:30pm M.Alpha 016-8844010/016-8695059
SCG 09 (学生组) 莹莹/庆恩 [出席: 16人] 星期六 07:30pm TBR 013-8042538/016-8972267
SCG 10 (学生组) 伟杰 [出席: 10人] 星期六 07:30pm M.Alpha 016-8993864/03-41499798
SCG 11 (学生组) 美盈、聪慧、庆峰 [出席:-人] 星期六 07:30pm Prima setapak 019-8589983/012-6428534/016-8425900
主日信息CD可定购: (请用定购单并注明要CD或msn。请写email add)
1.六月四日:行在圣灵中 2.七月九日:壮胆的心 3.七月二十三日:起来祷告,免入迷惑 4.七月三十日:信心的行为 5.其他正在制作当中!
以赛亚事工培训学校召收明年度新生(2/1- 4/4/07)详情请参阅布告栏。费用RM3000,只须自付三分一,期间三月中有会友传道课程,欢迎会友传道参加,完成八个单元者,将获会友证书;请联络牧师。
~ 沐恩圣经学校 Muk En Bible School ~ 《 接受装备,成主门徒 ; 参与事工,扩展神国 》
日期 时间 课程 地点 导 师
12/11(日) 1:00pm 赞美与敬拜操练: 2 聚会所 刘牧师
2:15pm MEMC 200成长系列:恋爱必修7&8 二 楼 黄传道
2:30pm 医院探访简训 聚会所 俞凤仙
14/11(二) 8:00pm MEMC 200成长系列:恋爱必修6 二 楼 黄传道
18/11(六) 3:30pm 三福训练 二 楼 刘牧师
上主日人数(早堂):137人(134人) 人数(崇拜): 93人 (85人) 儿童主日学人数 : 25人 (25人) 【2006年目标:300人】
奉献(早堂):RM1102.10 (RM678.90) (崇拜):RM618.80 (RM408.20) 儿童主日学:RM41.30 (RM46.20) 【2006年目标:RM1000/周】 三福班奉献:RM230 恋爱必修班奉献:RM100
新聚会所认献/奉献运动New Ch. Building 【 进驻耶利歌计划 】
目标:RM1,000,000.00 2/2007急需25万的付款及装修等。请祷告中迫切纪念!
主题:为主多得一人Win one more for Jesus
11/11(六)福音培训会:叶晨星博士 (一人得救,全家得救】
12/11(日)主日崇拜:黄美英牧师 ,医院探访训练
~本 周 聚 会 Weekly Events ~
日期 时间 聚会 地点 负责人
12/11 (日) 10:30am 儿童崇拜 Children Church 二 楼 儿童导师
01:00pm 赞美敬拜操练 Worship Team Gathering 聚会所 刘牧师
02:15pm 恋爱必修课程(7&8) 二 楼 刘师母
02:30pm 医院探访简训 聚会所 刘牧师
14/11 (二) 08:00pm 恋爱必修课程(9) 二 楼 刘师母
16/11 (四) 08:30pm 敬拜团 Worship Team 聚会所 丽玲/依凤
17/11 (五) 08:30pm 复兴祷告会 Revival Prayer 聚会所 凤仙/聪慧
18/11 (六) 08:00pm 生命小组 LCG Fellowship 各地点 生命组长
19/11 (日) 10:30pm 儿童崇拜 Children Church 二 楼 儿童导师
【忠心委身活出教会见证】 全然委身是基督徒生命旅程中重要的一环及挑战,是抗衡今天时代中随心所欲的态度。沐恩之子当:忠实教会出席聚会,敬虔生活成圣操练,见证主名传主福音。
本月份执事聚餐联谊(12/11, 6pm):假家实夫妇府上举行,请执事们出席。
教会圣工研讨会:1/12(五)同心祷告寻求神; 2/12(六)同心研讨主圣工。请执事,同工,事工组长预备心出席参加。
定于19/11(日)进行全教会资源回收,请于之前将可循环之物集合组长家或于当天带来教会!(铅罐-踏扁,铁,plastic- 踏扁,白纸/有色纸(要分开),纸皮箱(要折),玻璃及还可穿的旧衣!)
~主日事奉人员W. Duty Roster ~
司 值 早场/主日 下主日
讲员 黄美英牧师 刘长武牧师 主席/领会 刘牧师/黄毖荣 刘牧师/陈仕聪 领诗 黄忠伟/陈成蕊 赵云凤/吴丽玲 敬拜团 B组 C组 铃 鼓 B组 C组 招待员 S05&B/S10&B W04&C/S09&C
执事 接待 陈仕聪执事 李争蔚执事
~营会,聚会 Camp/Special Events ~
1. 13/11(一)禧福基层训练学院结业礼。
2. 15-17/11(三-五)第31届年议会假KL Federal Hotel。
17/11(五) 3pm假福建堂举行年会70周年感恩崇拜。
3. 24/11(五) 4-6pm WorshipWorshop by Hill Song Team;7:30pm Hill Song Worship Concert : SIB KL. 凭票入场。
4. 25/11(六) 8pm菲律宾著名教牧合唱团莅临本教区甲洞堂诗歌敬拜呈现,欢迎大家出席参加。
5. 4-8/12(一至五)目标驱动新人王-目标导向游戏营: Nilai Inti College.费用: RM240 (1/10之后)。13-30 岁的青少年。中文教会史上创举的游戏营会,感受生活现实滋味,发现生命终极目标。快上网报名!
6. 11-15/12(一至五)品格塑造福音营,最大的是爱Nilai Inti C,R M210(30/9前) RM240(30/9后),欢迎13岁以上的青少年人参加!
7. 10-14/1/07假古晋蒙福教会举行为国家复兴祷告会:有负担者请向牧师报名,机票自付,住吃免费。
6:30pm圣诞歌舞剧(布道)晚会:GS Hotel. (凭票入场:工作者RM40,学生/小孩RM25,邀
1. 找一个/几对象,祷告中纪念。
~~生命小组聚会Life Cell Group ~~
〖 彼此以爱建立,同心扩展神国 〗
* 请组长每主日在布告栏填上出席人数记录,谢谢. 请在二楼索取最新杂志!
WCG 01 (工作组)茂发/凤仙 [出席:12人] 星期六08:00pm Prima Setapak B-24-5 40252228/019-3133992
WCG 03 (工作组) 李政凌 [出席:6人] 星期六 07:30pm M.Alpha A 019-3767331
WCG 04 (工作弟兄组)忠伟/其岳/证强 [出席:6人] 星期六08:00pm W.Maju 012-2813416/012-2790452/016-6780519
WCG 05 (工作组) 友积 [出席:-人 ] 星期六 07:30pm Tmn.Melawati 012-2926322
WCG 06 (工作姐妹组) 徭今/丽珍/静文 [出席:8人] 星期六 08:00pm W.Maju 016-8939464
WCG 07 (PJ组) 城礼 [出席: 人] 星期六08:00pm PJ SS23 016-2859428
WCG 08 (工作组) 毖荣/灵辉 [出席:15人] 星期六08:00pm W.Maju 016-9988100/012-3063156
SCG 01 (学生组) 震豪/亦凤 [出席:11人] 星期六07:30pm Sri Pelangi Condo 012-8096878/012-8701807
SCG 02 (学生组)成钰/信伟 [出席:5人] 星期六 08:00pm W.Maju A8 012-8719515/012-9158753
SCG 03 (学生组) 采芹 [出席:13人] 星期六07:30pm W.Maju A15 41420011/012-8958009
SCG 04 (学生组) 彩微 [出席: 10人] 星期六07:30pm W.Maju E3 016-8284667
SCG 05 (学生组)万福/嘉玲/婉琳[出席:7人] 星期六 07:30pm M.Alpha A 019-2550588/012-8939587/017-3313057
SCG 06 (学生组) 贻亮/慧雯 [出席: 10人] 星期六 07:30pm Menara Alpha A 012-3537143/012-8860787
SCG 07 (学生组) 文田/张雄 [出席:7人] 星期六 7.30pm TBR/Melati 016-8883850/012-8821232
SCG 08 (学生组) 祥麒/德佑 [出席:8人] 星期六 07:30pm M.Alpha 016-8844010/016-8695059
SCG 09 (学生组) 莹莹/庆恩 [出席: 16人] 星期六 07:30pm TBR 013-8042538/016-8972267
SCG 10 (学生组) 伟杰 [出席: 10人] 星期六 07:30pm M.Alpha 016-8993864/03-41499798
SCG 11 (学生组) 美盈、聪慧、庆峰 [出席:-人] 星期六 07:30pm Prima setapak 019-8589983/012-6428534/016-8425900
主日信息CD可定购: (请用定购单并注明要CD或msn。请写email add)
1.六月四日:行在圣灵中 2.七月九日:壮胆的心 3.七月二十三日:起来祷告,免入迷惑 4.七月三十日:信心的行为 5.其他正在制作当中!
以赛亚事工培训学校召收明年度新生(2/1- 4/4/07)详情请参阅布告栏。费用RM3000,只须自付三分一,期间三月中有会友传道课程,欢迎会友传道参加,完成八个单元者,将获会友证书;请联络牧师。
~ 沐恩圣经学校 Muk En Bible School ~ 《 接受装备,成主门徒 ; 参与事工,扩展神国 》
日期 时间 课程 地点 导 师
12/11(日) 1:00pm 赞美与敬拜操练: 2 聚会所 刘牧师
2:15pm MEMC 200成长系列:恋爱必修7&8 二 楼 黄传道
2:30pm 医院探访简训 聚会所 俞凤仙
14/11(二) 8:00pm MEMC 200成长系列:恋爱必修6 二 楼 黄传道
18/11(六) 3:30pm 三福训练 二 楼 刘牧师
上主日人数(早堂):137人(134人) 人数(崇拜): 93人 (85人) 儿童主日学人数 : 25人 (25人) 【2006年目标:300人】
奉献(早堂):RM1102.10 (RM678.90) (崇拜):RM618.80 (RM408.20) 儿童主日学:RM41.30 (RM46.20) 【2006年目标:RM1000/周】 三福班奉献:RM230 恋爱必修班奉献:RM100
新聚会所认献/奉献运动New Ch. Building 【 进驻耶利歌计划 】
目标:RM1,000,000.00 2/2007急需25万的付款及装修等。请祷告中迫切纪念!
Tuesday, November 14, 2006
推薦給朋友 列印updated:2006-11-14 13:22:45 MYT
(怡保訊)怡保第一花園大衛教堂(CHURCH OF TABERNACLE OF DAVID)週一下午再次發生肢體衝突事件,約百名聯邦後備隊人員趕到現場駐守維持秩序。獲得庭令的業主週一下午3時左右,派出數十名工作人員前往教堂進行拆除行動,引起該教堂數十名信徒的不滿。事發時,教堂籬笆外的告示牌被打破,牆壁也被人用紅漆進行涂鴉,結果激起信徒的情緒。警方較後出動4輛鎮暴車,百餘名聯邦後備隊人員趕抵現場維持秩序,以避免發生不愉快的事件。雖然警方在現場勸請信徒離開,但信徒們並沒有離開。到了下午5時,雙方還是繼續對峙。聯邦後備隊在驅散人群時,女信徒拚命高喊,其中一名女信徒在混亂中昏倒。信徒們不滿工作人員在牆壁上涂鴉,在警方人員和工作人員接洽後,涂鴉的地方被重新塗上白漆。怡保代警區主任賴永興表示,警方週一趕抵現場,是負責維持治安,以避免發生不愉快事件。文冬警局局長巴斯里也在現場。在此之前,這所教堂也曾發生信徒和警方對峙的事件。
推薦給朋友 列印updated:2006-11-14 13:22:45 MYT
(怡保訊)怡保第一花園大衛教堂(CHURCH OF TABERNACLE OF DAVID)週一下午再次發生肢體衝突事件,約百名聯邦後備隊人員趕到現場駐守維持秩序。獲得庭令的業主週一下午3時左右,派出數十名工作人員前往教堂進行拆除行動,引起該教堂數十名信徒的不滿。事發時,教堂籬笆外的告示牌被打破,牆壁也被人用紅漆進行涂鴉,結果激起信徒的情緒。警方較後出動4輛鎮暴車,百餘名聯邦後備隊人員趕抵現場維持秩序,以避免發生不愉快的事件。雖然警方在現場勸請信徒離開,但信徒們並沒有離開。到了下午5時,雙方還是繼續對峙。聯邦後備隊在驅散人群時,女信徒拚命高喊,其中一名女信徒在混亂中昏倒。信徒們不滿工作人員在牆壁上涂鴉,在警方人員和工作人員接洽後,涂鴉的地方被重新塗上白漆。怡保代警區主任賴永興表示,警方週一趕抵現場,是負責維持治安,以避免發生不愉快事件。文冬警局局長巴斯里也在現場。在此之前,這所教堂也曾發生信徒和警方對峙的事件。
Monday, November 13, 2006
Friday, November 10, 2006
Thursday, November 09, 2006

Introducing MEMC Cameraman, Brother David Yong.
Visit his personal library at to view all the activities picture of MEMC. A few thousand pictures on all occasions.
Introducing MEMC Cameraman, Brother David Yong.
Visit his personal library at to view all the activities picture of MEMC. A few thousand pictures on all occasions.
Wednesday, November 08, 2006
MEMC New Layleader for 2007-2008
Sister Dorothy Yu, One of the founder of MEMC.

Sister Dorothy Yu, One of the founder of MEMC.

MEMC LCEC Chairperson for 2007-2008. Brother Ling, has been the Chairman for Cheras Preaching Centre for many year。城礼弟兄曾经是焦赖布道所主要负责人。找不到城礼的相片,只好拿城礼公子的相片来冒充。抱歉!抱歉!找到了城礼的相片
Sister Vivian Ngu, our new Ministerial Staff (Youth & Cell Group Development). Lets support her and pray for her so that she can work effectively, innovatively and efficiently.
Sister Vivian Ngu, our new Ministerial Staff (Youth & Cell Group Development). Lets support her and pray for her so that she can work effectively, innovatively and efficiently.

我_______________________________(中英文全名)相信我的天父是顾念并赐福的神,我凭信心在神的家-沐恩堂的“迦南地异象”的需要上认献RM _______________。
我会 ( )一次过奉献。 〔 〕每年奉献。 〔 〕按月奉献。
奉主的名,我也愿意凭着微小但单纯的信心在未来的三个月内奉献RM_______________作为进驻耶利歌行动-购堂的用途。愿 神悦纳我信心的回应。阿们!
我会 ( )一次过奉献。 〔 〕每年奉献。 〔 〕按月奉献。
奉主的名,我也愿意凭着微小但单纯的信心在未来的三个月内奉献RM_______________作为进驻耶利歌行动-购堂的用途。愿 神悦纳我信心的回应。阿们!

二年了!足足二年的时间,我们走在旷野与沙漠路。然而这是神的恩典与带领。没有这二年的时间,我们不会经历那么真实又可贵的经验,我们不会更深入体会神的心意,更不会如此“深刻”的经历到神!今天,是神的日子,神的应许,在我们众多的祷告、寻求之下,向我们来展现的时候,哈利路亚!现在是我们迈向“迦南”蒙祝福、应许之地的前奏曲。神已经为我们开了道路,为我们预备了进驻的“耶利歌城”-我们新的聚会所,一个可容纳350人的场地及100人的副堂。(二场崇拜就是900人!) 哈利路亚,感谢我们充满恩典与祝福的天父!!为此,我们欢喜、我们快乐;我们感恩、我们也要献上赞美的祭。祈愿我们同心合力的完成这进驻的行动!
1. 自己创业者:凭信心向神求一个数目。100万的目标中,可以为神献上几巴仙,并求神赐予在未来3个月内献上第一笔款项。我们的祷告:10位勇士x5万=50万;在这三个月内奉献100千。
2. 工作就业者:凭信心为神的家献上百分之一,并在未来3个月内献上第一笔款项。我们的祷告:100位勇士x5千=50万;在这3个月内奉献100千。

3. 学生者:在我们当中占大部份的,我们也可凭信心及一个愿意的心来参于这工作。我们的祷告:150位学生x1千=150千,在未来的3个月中奉献75千。(我们可以如何达成?为主打假期工!每一个假期、长假,都为了神,而向他求一个好的兼职或临时的工作,以在3个月内奉献500零吉。)
申28:1-6 :你若留意听从耶和华-你神的话,谨守遵行他的一切诫命,就是我今日所吩咐你的,祂他必使你超乎天下万民之上。你若听从耶和华-你神的话,这以下的福必追随你,临到你身上:你在城里必蒙福,在田间也必蒙福。你身所生的,地所产的,牲畜所下的,以及牛犊、羊羔,都必蒙福。你的筐子和你的抟面盆都必蒙福。你出也蒙福,入也蒙福。
Weekly Bulletin 05/11/06
主题:为主多得一人Win one more for Jesus
宣教主日+认献:Win One More 4 JESUS!
~本 周 聚 会 Weekly Events ~
日期 时间 聚会 地点 负责人
05/10 (日) 10:30am 儿童崇拜 Children Church 二 楼 儿童导师
01:30pm 敬拜团大团聚 Worship Team Gathering 聚会所 刘牧师
07:30pm 爱修园课程(补课) ARC Course 聚会所 刘牧师
07/10 (二) 08:00pm 恋爱必修课程 MEBS: 二 楼 刘师母
08/10 (三) 08:30pm 清泉事工课程 CS Course 二 楼 刘牧师
09/10 (四) 08:30pm 敬拜团 Worship Team 聚会所 丽玲/依凤
10/10 (五) 08:30pm 复兴祷告会 Revival Prayer 聚会所 林琳/丽玲
11/10 (六) 08:00pm 生命小组 LCG Fellowship 各地点 生命组长
神赐恩赐给每一个属他的人,以彼此配搭,合力同工,建立基督健康的教会。沐恩之子要求、要发掘五大职份,九大全备的恩赐来事奉我们的主: 发掘恩赐使用它,接受装备与培训,发展仆人的心态!
本月份执事聚餐联谊于下主日(12/11, 6pm)假云凤姐妹府上举行,请执事们出席。(由于晚上有课程,请执事们务必,按时、准时出席!)
24/12(日)8:00am/10:30am圣诞主日感恩崇拜。6:30pm圣诞歌舞剧(布道)晚会:GS Hotel.
凡有需要或紧急代祷的事项,请用代祷单或 SMS给负责人:秀兰姐妹016-3372000或牧师。请弟兄姐妹不要随意发sms给人,请祈求神的智慧。
~主日事奉人员W. Duty Roster ~
司 值 早场/主日 下主日
讲 员 刘长武牧师 刘长武牧师
主席/领会 刘牧师/黄世成 刘牧师/黄毖荣
领 诗 郑 韵/刘聪慧 黄忠伟/陈成蕊
敬 拜 团 A组 B组
铃 鼓 A组 B组
招 待 员 W03&A/W01&A S05&B/S10&B
执 事 接待 赵云凤执事 陈仕聪执事
~营会,聚会 Camp/Special Events ~
1. 6-11/11(一-六)真善美-圣经基要生活原则研习会。七项普世通用不可替换的生活原则,有效的解决人生基本冲突的根源问题:福建堂。
2. 13/11(一)禧福属灵训练学院结业礼。
3. 15-17/11(三-五)第31届年议会假KL Federal Hotel。
17/11(五) 3pm假福建堂举行年会70周年感恩崇拜。
4. 24/11(五) 4-6pm WorshipWorshop by Hill Song Team;7:30 pm Hill Song Worship Concert : SIB KL. 凭票入场。
5. 25/11(六) 8pm菲律宾著名教牧合唱团莅临本教区甲洞堂诗歌敬拜呈现,欢迎大家出席参加。
6 .4-8/12(一至五)目标驱动新人王-目标导向游戏营: Nilai Inti College.费用: RM240 (1/10之后)。13-30岁的青少年。中文教会史上创举的游戏营会,感受生活现实滋味,发现生命终极目标。快上网报名!
7 . 11-15/12(一至五)品格塑造福音营,最大的是爱Nilai Inti C,R M210(30/9前) RM240(30/9后),欢迎13岁以上的青少年人参加!
* 10-14/1/07假古晋蒙福教会举行为国家复兴祷告会:有负担者请向牧师报名,机票自付,住吃免费。
1. 11/11(六)10:30pm郑徭今Pauline姐妹与罗修伟弟兄假善牧天主教堂举行结婚典礼,欢迎出席观礼祝福。
主题:为主多得一人Win one more for Jesus
宣教主日+认献:Win One More 4 JESUS!
~本 周 聚 会 Weekly Events ~
日期 时间 聚会 地点 负责人
05/10 (日) 10:30am 儿童崇拜 Children Church 二 楼 儿童导师
01:30pm 敬拜团大团聚 Worship Team Gathering 聚会所 刘牧师
07:30pm 爱修园课程(补课) ARC Course 聚会所 刘牧师
07/10 (二) 08:00pm 恋爱必修课程 MEBS: 二 楼 刘师母
08/10 (三) 08:30pm 清泉事工课程 CS Course 二 楼 刘牧师
09/10 (四) 08:30pm 敬拜团 Worship Team 聚会所 丽玲/依凤
10/10 (五) 08:30pm 复兴祷告会 Revival Prayer 聚会所 林琳/丽玲
11/10 (六) 08:00pm 生命小组 LCG Fellowship 各地点 生命组长
神赐恩赐给每一个属他的人,以彼此配搭,合力同工,建立基督健康的教会。沐恩之子要求、要发掘五大职份,九大全备的恩赐来事奉我们的主: 发掘恩赐使用它,接受装备与培训,发展仆人的心态!
本月份执事聚餐联谊于下主日(12/11, 6pm)假云凤姐妹府上举行,请执事们出席。(由于晚上有课程,请执事们务必,按时、准时出席!)
24/12(日)8:00am/10:30am圣诞主日感恩崇拜。6:30pm圣诞歌舞剧(布道)晚会:GS Hotel.
凡有需要或紧急代祷的事项,请用代祷单或 SMS给负责人:秀兰姐妹016-3372000或牧师。请弟兄姐妹不要随意发sms给人,请祈求神的智慧。
~主日事奉人员W. Duty Roster ~
司 值 早场/主日 下主日
讲 员 刘长武牧师 刘长武牧师
主席/领会 刘牧师/黄世成 刘牧师/黄毖荣
领 诗 郑 韵/刘聪慧 黄忠伟/陈成蕊
敬 拜 团 A组 B组
铃 鼓 A组 B组
招 待 员 W03&A/W01&A S05&B/S10&B
执 事 接待 赵云凤执事 陈仕聪执事
~营会,聚会 Camp/Special Events ~
1. 6-11/11(一-六)真善美-圣经基要生活原则研习会。七项普世通用不可替换的生活原则,有效的解决人生基本冲突的根源问题:福建堂。
2. 13/11(一)禧福属灵训练学院结业礼。
3. 15-17/11(三-五)第31届年议会假KL Federal Hotel。
17/11(五) 3pm假福建堂举行年会70周年感恩崇拜。
4. 24/11(五) 4-6pm WorshipWorshop by Hill Song Team;7:30 pm Hill Song Worship Concert : SIB KL. 凭票入场。
5. 25/11(六) 8pm菲律宾著名教牧合唱团莅临本教区甲洞堂诗歌敬拜呈现,欢迎大家出席参加。
6 .4-8/12(一至五)目标驱动新人王-目标导向游戏营: Nilai Inti College.费用: RM240 (1/10之后)。13-30岁的青少年。中文教会史上创举的游戏营会,感受生活现实滋味,发现生命终极目标。快上网报名!
7 . 11-15/12(一至五)品格塑造福音营,最大的是爱Nilai Inti C,R M210(30/9前) RM240(30/9后),欢迎13岁以上的青少年人参加!
* 10-14/1/07假古晋蒙福教会举行为国家复兴祷告会:有负担者请向牧师报名,机票自付,住吃免费。
1. 11/11(六)10:30pm郑徭今Pauline姐妹与罗修伟弟兄假善牧天主教堂举行结婚典礼,欢迎出席观礼祝福。
Tuesday, November 07, 2006
No.38 Interior Design

Interior designer of MEMC, Andy Ling & Jin. Thanks for their efforts with maximising space design.
This is 3rd floor which will accomodate office, kids church, Library and Cafe(fellowshipping zone).
1. Should we move the office to here or remain in existing location?
2. Is the library too small?
What is your comments? Please enlighten.
The below is 4th floor which will be use as main sanctuary, maximum can accomodate 350 pax including the parents room. Any comments, please feedback.

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- Weekly Bulletin 03122006
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- 请为马来西亚极端马来同胞祷告
- 沐恩堂牧师屋-已拿锁匙3
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- 你爸爸或公公的地要被政府收回了吗?
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- Weekly Bulletin 05/11/06
- No.38 Interior Design